Sketch Artist 2: Hands That See / Movie (1995) Review

Sketch Artist 2: Hands That See / Movie  (1995)
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OMG! I loved this movie. It was really well portrayed and the characters were perfectly cast. Incase you (the reader/buyer) have not figured it out yet, I am a HUGE!!! CeCe fan (as well as Micheal J. Fox).
Courteney Cox plays a young woman (Emmy)who is the latest victim of a brutal psycopath who has been raping and murdering young women. She is saved however, by her husband, Glenn (J.Silverman), returning home. Therefore, she is the only surviving victim. She goes to the sketch artist to give a description, but is doubted of her ability to identify him because Emmy is blind.
Jeff Fahey (Jack) is the sketch artist and he begins to believe that Emmy's ability to identify people by touch is reliable. He asks that the sketch not to be released into the media, but it ends up there anyways. Once again, Emmy is in danger.
The police find Timothy Rothko (Nicolosi)and bring him in. Emmy picks him out of a line-up of men and a trial pursues. Lawrence Walker (Brion James) represents Rothko in the case and he knows his stuff. He rips apart the prosecution's case and Emmy isn't there to help. Jack later convinces her to take a stand and try to finish Rothko off.
That's all I'll tell you...wait...just a warning, the rape seen is right after the beginning credits so don't say I didn't warn you! Also, the ending is super neat! The movie's first half is suspensful, and the second half is intriguing. Overall, this is a GREAT! movie! Both of the main actor's performances were top notch especially Cox's. She did her research on her character and it shows. I recommend this movie to anyone in the mood for a well put together thriller or anyone who's a fan of Courteney Cox or Jeff Fahey. Enjoy!

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