Faeries (2000) Review

Faeries  (2000)
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This is definitely a great show for children and people who enjoy a good fairy story. If you liked "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," you'll probably like this one as well. The plot is simple, and geared toward a child's pace and grasp of conflict. But it has an ample supply of magical and unexpected twists that keep the story enthralling, even for some adult viewers like me.
The animation is different from what you might expect. It's nothing like the mega-budget eye candy typically put out by Disney, Dreamworks, and other media giants. (Some of us actually consider that a plus.) "Faeries" uses a combination of 2-D hand-drawn animation and very simple 3-D, flying-toaster-like computer animation. The result, as I said, is quite different. But it's not unpleasant, and I found myself getting quite used to it after only a few minutes. So while the animation technique is unusual and more economical than some, the artists use it well, and the result is a beautiful and effective piece of visual story-telling.
The voice acting is also very good, with excellent performances all around. And it's fun to recognize the voices of the three adult stars (Kate Winslet as Brigid, Jeremy Irons as Shapeshifter, and Dougray Scott as the Prince).
All-in-all, it's a fine piece of work. But since not all people enjoy this sort of thing, I'll just say this: If you don't get it... don't get it.The rest of us will enjoy a great show!

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