I Sent a Letter to My Love (1981) (Chere Inconnue) Review

I Sent a Letter to My Love (1981) (Chere Inconnue)
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"I sent a letter to my love" was - at least to my mind - one of the most absorbing, mature and controversial films of this decade.
Two lonely human beings, Simone Signoret and her brother Jean Rochefort, share the loneliness, frustration and hopeless of the quotidian existence, but when suddenly a letter is requested to satisfy the emotional empty of one of them, both fall in love without realizing the terrible reality. Of course, the beauty illusion of being loved for a stranger will enruih their lives for a while, until the reality makes them to open their eyes.
A poignant and warmth film of the famous director of Madame Rose, the great Israeli director Moshe Mizrahi.

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