Beyond Sherwood Forest (2009) Review

Beyond Sherwood Forest (2009)
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I watched this on the SYFY Channel and wasn't expecting anything profound. I was correct in that assessment but I found in quite enjoyable nonetheless.
Although I didn't care for the killing off of Friar Tuck I thought it had its interesting takes on the Robin Hood mythos. Robin Dunne was adequate as Robin of Locksley and Erica Durance made an adventurous Marian.
I think a larger budget could have made the scenery more convincing but I understand in this day that money is tight.
Over all, i was satisfied with this made for TV straight to DVD movie.

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12th Century England: It is a deadly time of dark tyranny, black magic and the outlaw archer known as Robin Hood. But when the Sheriff of Nottingham unleashes a winged monster upon the nearby town and woods to massacre Robin's men and capture Maid Marian, hearts run cold with fear and streets red with blood. Before he can rob from the rich or give to the poor, can The Prince Of Thieves survive the demonic onslaught of a winged beast from another world? Katharine Isabelle co-stars in this chilling new take on the infamous hero from director Peter DeLuise, filled with valor, vengeance and nightmare creatures that take you behind the legend and BEYOND SHERWOOD FOREST.

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