Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - The Magic Flute (The Metropolitan Opera HD) Review

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - The Magic Flute (The Metropolitan Opera HD)
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This is the much anticipated release of the first HD broadcast by the Met from 2 years ago. I saw it in the theater and was overwhelmed by the spectacular effects and, although I am not a big fan of abridged works as well as works not done in the original language, these concerns were dispelled by this production. It continues to play well on second and third viewings-something I cannot say for all video opera productions. With the exception of Rene Pape, none of the principal performers are operatic household names although, Nathan Gunn, a relative newcomer, steals the show as Papageno. Close seconds are Greg Fedderly (Monostatos) and Jennifer Aylmer (Papagena).
While the whole show is largely enjoyable, there are some caveats for diehard opera fans. The principal female roles of Pamina and Queen of the Night are somewhat disappointing both in their characterization and delivery of their big arias. Matthew Polezani (Tamino) is not a very interesting performer in this production; his stiffness in this role is in sharp contrast to the dynamic performance of Nathan Gunn.
The surround soundtrack lacks ambience and crispness.
These caveats aside, I think that most viewers will enjoy this version for its showmanship, humor (it is after all a comic opera), and visual impact.

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