Regular Guys (1996) Review

Regular Guys (1996)
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Christoph is having a bad day. The macho but somewhat self-involved police detective gets thrown out of his fiance's apartment, loses his possessions, and passes out drunk at a bar. The next morning isn't working out much better, as he wakes up hungover ... and in the bed and arms of a gay man, Tim, who refuses to tell him if anything "happened" other than sleep. A shortage of apartments and hotel rooms forces Christoph to accept Tim's offer to let him stay until he finds a place of his own. They come to an understanding: Christoph makes it clear that he is straight. Tim makes it clear that he is in love with Christoph.
This is the basic premise of the 1996 German film "Echte Kerle (Regular Guys)", a witty romantic comedy featuring some very funny scenes and good acting. Adding to the mix are Christoph's police partners, one male and one female (the latter interested in Christoph), as well as some light details of a case the three of them are working on. It also becomes known that Tim may be involved in fixing up and selling stolen vehicles, which puts Christoph (and his partners, who meet and like Tim) in a difficult position. When undercover cops staking out Tim's garage see him with Christoph, the rumor spreads that Christoph is gay, and he hillariously decides not to fight the rumor.
In German with English subtitles, but I had no problems whatsoever following the story via the latter (Even though I don't understand more than a couple of words of German, I suspect the translators may have taken some literary license in doing so, as sometimes several lines in German are translated as a one or two syllable English word. But the story flows very well, and the laughs seem to come at the appropriate parts in either language). I'll give it 3 stars out of 5, and recommend it for those who like comedies.

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