Fist of the Red Dragon (2004) Review

Fist of the Red Dragon (2004)
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This another portrayal off wong fei hung righting wrongs in his home town, and now he has a partner Beggar So(Donnie Yen) to help him.Let me just say that Donnie Yen is magnificent in this movie and all his fight scenes are great to watch.I place him up there with the magnificent four alongside Bruce Lee,Jet Li,and Jackie Chan.He's just so fast and I've never seen anyone kick as fluent and consistent as he does.The film...well, the plot is the usual Wong Fei Hung trying to rid of foreign opium traders and opium all together while a corrupt official tries to prevent that...Beggar So gets thrown in the middle and becomes an addict himself by the official, who wants to use Beggar So to kill Wong...plan fails, So gives up opium, and he join sides with wong..the movie's best fight scenes are only the ones with Donnie Yen...The actor playing Wong is kind of weak...not only that, but this movie gave a really bad portrayal of Wong...First off, Wong does't kill women regardles of whether they're bad(he killed 2)...Second, he doesn't look to kill willingly...In this movie, it seems like if someone needed to revenge his/her masters death against some official, Wong says, "No prob...Don't worry"...huh?...historically, Wong is not this kind of person...and lastly, no one ever takes Wong's fights...although i was glad Donnie came in to interfere and fight the last guy, the real Wong doesnt allow that...stick with Jet for Wong Fei Hung portrayals...nonetheless, Donnie was great as usual, but what kept this far from 5 stars were the inconsistency of Wong, some bad acting, and a lot of nonsense moments...there tend to be fights for no reason at all...also, theres a really ugly and annoying bucktooth girl plus some guy with a mohawk suggest viewing before owning because donnie has far more better flicks than this...check out iron monkey, tiger cage I and II (awesome), Once upon a Time in China 2 along side Jet, and Wing Chun w/ michelle yeoh...Heroes is more die hard fans...thanks for reading

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