Kipper - Friendship Tails (2010) Review

Kipper - Friendship Tails (2010)
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My son has been watching Kipper for over a year now. He is about 4. He watches almost nothing else.
Like all Kipper DVDs it is simply and beautifully illustrated, not too fast paced or loud, and humorous.
What I like best about the Kipper series is that it teaches good values in a subtle way, which doesn't insult my children's intelligence.
This DVD is still great, but for some reason, not his favorite, which is why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5.
It runs for 50 minutes, and has 6 episodes.
1) Sleepless Night- Kipper can't settle down, he tries different things to get to sleep.
2) Hiccups- Kipper gets really frustrated by hiccups, he tries tons of things, standing on his head, getting scared by others, etc. (My son's favorite episode)
3) Kipper is Unwell- Kipper gets ink on his face and everyone thinks he has chicken pox, and avoids him. He can't understand why.
4) The Conker Tree- Kipper and Tiger want to rescue a kitten from a conker tree.
5) The Jumble Sale- Kipper cleans out his closets and brings unused things to the sale, Tiger surprises him with lots of new presents to stuff up his closet with again.
6) Tiger's Cold- Tiger is sick and being very difficult with Kipper. He learns to be more considerate when the tables are turned on him though.
If this is your first Kipper purchase, I recommend instead
Puppy Love, Fun in the Sun, or Playtime.

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Sleepless Night

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