Running Mates (1992) Review

Running Mates (1992)
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Director Michael Lindsay-Hogg is no stranger to films about politics, having made the Nixon era parody Nasty Habits . Here we get a Bill and Hillary Clinton-ish parallel featuring Ed Harris as a Presidential candidate and Diane Keaton as his fiance with a past. At first the HBO teleplay by A. L. Appling ( a pseudonymed Carole Eastman) is happy to present an amiable battle of the sexes comedy, giving Diane Keaton a wit which undercuts the perceived reactionary nature of politics as compromise. However things get serious when Harris' spin doctors uncover a pseudo-pornographic anti-Nixon film Keaton has participated when previously married to an "artist", which is seen as potentially damaging to Harris' position. When the film is screened the actress is clearly not Keaton and though it's a stretch to imagine Keaton doing the film, that is the point. When Harris is confronted by the "scandal" he delivers a speech to the media, denouncing their interest in Keaton's past activities as being irrelevant to his capability as a future President. Eastman here is touching on the perception of the voter, predating Clinton's Lewinsky scandal, and whether or not one believes the press' reaction to Harris' condemnation probably measures one's level of naivety/optimism/cynicism. The discovery of the film is a plot point which lifts the narrative when things threaten to collapse. The point of Keaton's outspokenness making her an inappropriate First Lady are sledgehammered home, with Keaton hating the media coverage until her personality begins to disappear. She is an author of children's books, The Frog Prince being her most awarded, which stands as a metaphor for Harris and his political ambitions. Harris is probably better being a player than romancing with Keaton, his splintered focus and shallow sincerity authentic. And although Keaton is charming and funny, the initial romance doesn't ring true, with she wearing sunglasses at their first meeting and he repeatedly commenting on how attractive she is. Even a speech Keaton gives to embarass him at lunch, which convinces him to hire her as a speechwriter isn't that particularly funny. Eastman however does come up with otherwise great lines - I liked Keaton objecting to Harris' scrutiny with "there's looking, and there's ocular invasion", her "How did I sink to these heights", and "Did you spring from the womb and ask the way to the oval office?". Lindsay-Hogg provides a nice cut from Harris delivering the same speech at a church and then a synagogue, though he doesn't do much to help Russ Tamblyn as the one who provides Keaton's film. Mention is made of Ed Begley, Jnr as Keaton's oddball brother, and the running gag of the Joe Cocker song You are so Beautiful.

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Bound Cargo Review

Bound Cargo
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This is a soft-core porno about three girls who are refugees from a war. Soldiers are hunting them, and they find a house out in the woods. The woman who owns the house offers them shelter and safety, in exchange they have to help with the chores and be her sexual partner. The vast majority of the action is girl on girl; you get lots of fondling, soft-core sex, bathing and an oil massage. There are also three other girls who are in the beginning and end of the movie. All of them have really nice bodies. Of course the dialogue and acting are atrocious, but I don't imagine too many people care.
Overall, I liked it.

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Kung Fu Rascals Review

Kung Fu Rascals
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This features Primus' Les Claypool as the Sheriff in a funny kung-fu movie that pokes fun at the genre all together, including Bruce Lee! I've seen this over 12 times, then my local video store sold it before I could buy it. I haven't found it anywhere (its been 8 years since then), needless to say I'm a happy camper!

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Sexual Intelligence (2005) Review

Sexual Intelligence (2005)
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The topic was well handled in a general sense. The format was quick paced and pleasing. Many of the issues raised were interesting takes on subjects that we intuitively know and understand, but Ms. Catrell reminds us of their significance. While there is nothing earth shattering on the DVD, it does serve to reinforce a common sense view of sex and the different ways men and women approach the subject.

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From the heat of the first look to the importance of out erotic fantasies, Kim Cattrall explores both the physical chemistry and the emotional complexity of raw sexual desire Is it possible to develop a sexual intelligence? Can we unravel the mysteries of desire and fantasy? In SEXUAL INTELLIGENCE, the actress (Sex and the City) and author (Satisfaction) who famously broadened our notions of modern sexuality, navigates a whimsical investigation into what turns us on and why. Drawing on mythology, history, master works of art, cheeky animation and candid interviews with a diverse group of sexual adventurers, sexologists and authors, Kim urges us to broaden and explore our own understanding of erotic desire--making us laugh all the while. From the glorious beaches of Cyprus--the mythical birthplace of love Goddess Aphrodite--to the site in England of a 200 year old, 26 ft long phallus to the "Secret Museum" in Naples, where the erotic treasures of ancient Pompeii have been locked away for centuries, Kim takes us on a breathless tour of sexual significance and cultural discovery. Smart, arousing, and blush-worthy, SEXUAL INTELLIGENCE is Sex 101 for adults. DVD Features: Behind-the-Scenes with the Animators; Music Video: Tegan & Sara Speak Slow; Kim Cattrall Biography; Interactive Menus; Scene Selection(16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen format)

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Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras (2003) Review

Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras (2003)
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If you have seen any of J. R. Bookwalter's early "Ohio" films (e.g. "Chickboxer,") you know about low-budget filmmaking. The Bookwalter films are not very good even by his own standards, but stand the test of time as amusing cheese. Bookwalter has nothing on Jonathan Mumm, creator of "Bloodthirst" for Z-grade filmmaking on a miniscule budget. The big difference is that Bookwalter's films are amusing as camp, where "Bloodthirst" is a patently trying experience. I have rated it two stars for two reasons: first, I like to encourage independent filmmakers; second, there are several wholly unintentional moments of hilarity to be found here.
The production, acting, sound, and image quality are incredibly amateurish, and it really is like watching a home video. The film revolves around the existence of a chupacabra in an old mine, and the subplots run all over the place, trampling the movie into submission: there's a murder (and vampiritic resurrection,) the lamest bar fight ever, the stupidest newspaper journalism subplot in recent memory, a vampire who looks like a fratboy on a bender, and even a crazy witch called "The Mago," who claims that the chupacabra is a hungry pet left on Earth by space aliens! Beyond that, I can't really tell you much about the plot as it makes next to no sense whatsoever. My favorite diversion in the drunkenly-reeling storyline was when a group of investigators (including two reporters) decide to go after the chupacabra, who by all accounts lives in a cave, which may or may not be a gold mine, too: I was a bit unclear on what parts of the story were legendary and which are not within the framework of the film. What better vehicle, then, to hunt for the goat sucker but in a World War Two DUKW amphibious vehicle? Yes, they went via a lake on the "Duck Tour" of the chupacabra's home turf, all of which is tenuously related to the mayor's reelection campaign. (Somehow.)
Another motif in the film is that of walking. Mumm shows us seemingly endless shots of people walking all over creation (mostly in the woods.) It may sound boring, but wait until you see it! Eventually there is a convergence of moronic subplots on a rocky outcropping. The Mago (Lenore Sebastian) reveals that she actually is the chupacabra, and a horrifying battle for survival (which includes the least credible hypnosis subplot I can recall) ensues.
This is a terrible movie in every way. If you want serious B-movie pain, this is for you. Thank goodness there's no "Bloodthirst 2." What's that you say? Oh that's right, there is. I watched them back to back in one night. The one takeaway is this: as bad as "Bloodthirst" is, "Bloodthirst 2" is even worse. Believe it or not.

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The Sixth Sense (1999) Review

The Sixth Sense  (1999)
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Have you ever watched a scary movie in the dark, and almost swore you saw someone moving out of the corener of your eye? I have, and after seeing this movie it happened a lot more.
"The Sixth Sense" has great performances from Bruce Willis (who plays Malcolm, an emotionally wounded psychologist)and Haley Joel Osment (who plays Cole, a little boy with a remarkable gift:he sees dead people) The screenplay is wonderful.
"They don't know they're dead," laments Cole."They think they're alive.They see what they want to see." Malcolm is determined to help him. His marriage has been failing ever since an old case that showed almost the same symtoms shot him in the side and then killed himself.Malcolm is determined not to let that happen to Cole.
This is a remarkable movie with a Hitchcokian twist at the end.Watch it, and you'll be doing double takes next time you feel that strange presence behind your back.

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Hollywood superstar Bruce Willis (ARMAGEDDON, THE SIEGE) brings a powerful presence to an edge-of-your-seat thriller from writer-director M. Night Shyamalan (Oscar(R)-nominee for Best Original Screenplay and Best Director) that critics are calling one of the greatest ghost stories ever filmed. When Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Willis), a distinguished child psychologist, meets Cole Sear (Oscar(R)-nominee Haley Joel Osment, Best Supporting Actor), a frightened, confused, eight-year-old, Dr. Crowe is completely unprepared to face the truth of what haunts Cole. With a riveting intensity you'll find thoroughly chilling, the discovery of Cole's incredible sixth sense leads them to mysterious places with unforgettable consequences!

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Separate Peace Review

Separate Peace
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The 1972 film version of John Knowles' modern masterpiece is a class act for the reason that Paramount Pictures went to Phillips Exeter Academy and filmed it on location with all student actors from Exeter with the exception of Parker Stevenson whom attended The Brooks School. Though the acting is a little amaturish at times, so what, it should be, for it is the drama society of Exeter and alumni putting on a Paramount film!
John Heyl, a former Exeter Student, was eighteen and son of the school doctor. John Heyl does a great job as Finny at the age sixteen, seventeen that Finny would have been in the novel.This was also Parker Stevenson, at eighteen, his first film and in my view his best role as Gene.
It is a good adaptation of the book but I would strongly suggest that you read the novel first for the tentions of love, hate, jealously, denial, sexual undertones and regret are pale compared to John Knowles' writing. It is a love story and the viewer decides if it is emotional and / or physical. What else could motivate ones "Best Pal" and roommate to do such a violent act as to attempt to maim him hense excorise him (Finny) from Genes life i.e. emotions that Gene could not deal with at sixteen.
I have recently viewed Showtime's 2004 version which was filmed at a college in Canada and has actors that are in there late twenties playing the parts of teenagers. No sorry - veto! John Heyl will always be Finny and Parker Stevenson will always be Gene. The 1972 Film version of A Separate Peace shot at Exeter is a true "PREPPY" classic.

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Keinohrhasen Review

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Like Bright Star said, there are a lot of really stupid moments in this movie. Another one I can think of is when Anna (Nora Tschirner) stomps her foot on the piece of lumber while saying "SMS sind auch verboten!" and it smacks her in the face. Almost annoying to watch.
However, there are plenty of moments in this movie that are hilarious, with the last scene being absolutely priceless.
I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who understands German or doesn't mind the subtitles, but they must be willing to wade through the less than stellar moments.

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You'll Like My Mother (1972) Review

You'll Like My Mother  (1972)
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An intriguing and tautly directed thriller in which Patty Duke plays an expectant mother who journeys to the colds of Minnesota to the visit the family of her recently deceased Army husband. What she discovers awaiting her arrival is quite different than she expected: a very twisted family indeed...A rather ingenious film which doesn't resort to any visual violence in order to keep a high level of terror and tension throughout, this film will also convince viewers that Richard Thomas could very successfully play against his stereotypical "John-Boy" character! Shot entirely in Minnesota using the Congdon Mansion - which was constructed on the shore of Lake Superior in 1903 at a cost of 1.3 million dollars - this movie is characterised by creatively imaginitive cinematography. Rosemary Murphy, a stage actress, made her transition to cinema extremely well: her performance is most effective.

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Butterfly (1982) Review

Butterfly  (1982)
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Lord only knows how old she looks and she makes Orson Welles and Stacy Keach nearly both die of heart attacks. It's really hard to remember what it's about -- something to do with gold mines and incest -- but the only point is to watch the diminutive firecracker cater to every sordid fantasy being conjured up by every dirty man and boy sitting alone in the darkened theater in, what? 1981? That Orson Welles is in the damn thing makes you feel kinda highbrow, but, please, you're there for Pia. If she gave us ten more of these, she could have been the most famous actress in the world, but, no, she had to go and do something with a garden hose in the next film, which is dreadful, and then go Vegas or something, I don't really know. But this is one of the good filthy ones.

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The Wiggles - Yummy Yummy Review

The Wiggles - Yummy Yummy
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"Santa" brought the Wiggles "Wiggle Time" video to our house and my two daughters (ages 2 1/2 and 5 years of age) LOVED it, as did all of their friends. I particularly liked that the girls were up dancing and actually getting some exercise during the entire video, unlike most videos where kids are inclined to just sit and watch. For that reason I immediately ordered the "Yummmy Yummy" video.
The girls do love this one but my primary reason for ordering it . . . the "stand-up, dance and move" rather than "sit and stare" factor . . . isn't nearly as good in this one. There is much more down-time (as in 'sit down') on this one.
Still, THEY do enjoy it. If I were choosing between this or Wiggle Time as a parent, I'd recommend that you choose "Wiggle Time" in a heart beat for your kids, for gifts, etc.
Also, I do agree that the puppets are kind of creepy and, while they don't bother my children, they don't really keep their attention either.
They definitely love the upbeat tunes contained on this video though, every one of them.

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It's time to learn how to "Monkey Dance" and do the "Shaky Shaky." Ever wonder how to handle a "Hot Potato" or make a "Fruit Salad?" From way "down under" comes the #1 children's entertainment name in Australia – THE WIGGLES! Murray, Jeff, Anthony and Greg will have children singing, laughing and grooving to funny tunes about numbers, food and favorite animal friends. Joining them in this ultra-hip, live-action video are special guests Dorothy, Wags, Henry and Captain Feathersword. Millions of Brit and Aussie kids can't be wrong – this fabulous foursome is the hottest musical import since John, Paul, George and Ringo! Approx. Run Time: 36 minutes

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Daisy Chain (2008) Review

Daisy Chain (2008)
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Yes this may be one of the really bad movies I have ever see.
The trailer has everything of any importance that happens in the movie. The reason that the trailer might indeed be far better than the movie is that there are no fake ear piercing screams.
Yes scream after scream after SCREAM, I stopped counting after 345 screams.
Oh and by the way the cover has nothing to do with the movie nor does the name.
Don't even rent this thing......just let it sink into oblivion all by itself.

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Ilsa - She Wolf of the SS (1975) Review

Ilsa - She Wolf of the SS (1975)
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This is the first and best of the four "Ilsa" films featuring the sensational Dyanne Thorne, who plays the sadistic head doctor in a Nazi death-camp that specializes in cruel experiments on nude women. Sounds too tasteless to be bearable? Well, actually no. If you can retain your sense of humour, you can find this film thoroughly enjoyable. It's mainly down to the hilarious camp acting of Thorn in the title role, whether she is strutting around the camp, spitting insults in a thick hammy accent at all the inmates, or seducing male prisoners in her boudoir using her famous chest to maximum effect. Still, the various scenes of torture are surprisingly convincing, and very realistic, especially those carried out by Ilsa in her secret torture chamber on a prize female subject, so this is definitely not a film for the squeamish. Theres even room for suspense during the climax when Ilsa's cruel reign is finally overturned. Overall, an enjoyable romp for people who have seen everything the mainstream has to offer. But due to such scenes as fingernail pulling, torture by electrified dildo and castration, prepare your friends before you show it to any of them!

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Love Leads The Way Review

Love Leads The Way
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This is a heartwarming movie, it's a well-made movie, it's an important movie. Anybody who agrees this should be on dvd, say you found this review "helpful"

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The Last Cowboy (2003) Review

The Last Cowboy (2003)
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A Father and an estranged daughter, both stubborn, fight to keep a Texas ranch afloat after the patriarch, his father and her grandfather, dies. The will gives both father and daughter equal part inheritance of the ranch in a modern day western. The problem which propeled the movie along was a previously severed relationship between the two due to a rift because of the mother's death and the main characters inability to agree on a plan to save the ranch from being taken over by the bank. Both Jennie Garth and Lance Hendriksen did an excellent job in realistically portraying their respective characters. As a little boy was in the movie and the lack of objectionable material would make this movie recommended for family or individual viewing. This review was based on a VCR recording from the Hallmark Channel March 12, 2005.

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Item Name: The Last Cowboy; Studio:Good Times Video

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Moving (1988) Review

Moving  (1988)
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Richard Pryor, Randy Quiad, and Dana Carvey together, what more could you ask for. This is by far one of the funniest movies ever made. We play this VHS so much, that it is wearin'out. I am patiently,no desparately, waiting for the DVD to come out.

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Secrets of the Satin Blues (1981) Review

Secrets of the Satin Blues (1981)
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Why did i waste my money on such garbage. Please don't make the same mistake

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A pair of blue satin knickers provide the links between Elodie, a chic married woman and the owner of the said garment, and her eclectic assortment of friends and lovers.The knickers take us through Elodie's sexual escapades as she variously loans and loses them during the course of her amorous adventures.An excellent parody of bourgeois virtues.Features a cameo from acclaimed French director Claude Chabrol.

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