A Child's Christmas in Wales (1987) Review

A Child's Christmas in Wales (1987)
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I am really surprised that it took so long for "A Child's Christmas in Wales" to appear on DVD. The piece is an extraordinary immersion in nostalgia, which can be appreciated by all ages...by everyone who remembers what it's like to be a child at Christmastime.
The casting is perfection, the settings spot-on, and Dylan Thomas' work comes alive vividly before your eyes.
So well does this film conjure the savory smells coming from the Christmas-Day kitchen, when all the women are busy preparing the meal, that one's mouth waters. We can't help but laugh at the uncles, who having stuffed themselves to capacity, loosen their belts and fall asleep in that fine sleeping time post-revelry. And then there is that wonderful moment, at the end of the day, when Christmas carols are sung and a weary child is tucked into bed, head still full of Christmas pleasures...
"A Child's Christmas in Wales" is a warm and poignant treat for the senses and for the heart. I give it five stars enthusiastically, and look forward to our annual viewing. It has become a family tradition.

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A CHILD'S CHRISTMAS IN WALES takes you on a lyrical journeyback to the magic and marvel of boyhood where no two moments were ever alike and life was embraced with belief instead of doubt. On this special Christmas Eve, Old Geraint shares these heartwarming memories with his dearly loved grandson, Thomas. In one evening he does more than recall his cherished youth . . . he relives it.

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The Wiggles - Yule Be Wiggling Review

The Wiggles - Yule Be Wiggling
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I was afraid to buy this album after having seen "Wiggly Safari", the latest effort from the Wiggles.
I'm so glad I went ahead and got this one. It's absolutely wonderful, with songs and dances you enjoy as soon as you hear and see them.
My son loves this one.

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Christmas time is almost here, it's a time of joy and a time of cheer. But this Christmas, there's sure to be lots of giggling, and with friends from down under, Yule Be Wiggling. There's Greg, Anthony, Jeff and Murray, four great friends without a worry. Instead, they dance and smile and sing, they even make the Christmas bells ring! So hang up your stockings and put up the tree, then prepare for a Christmas full of such glee. The Wiggles will make your holiday bright, so Merry Christmas to all and to all a good…..Wiggle! Approx. Run Time: 48 minutes (including bonus features)

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Terror Firmer (2000) Review

Terror Firmer (2000)
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Terror Firma is an independant film made by Troma, one of the last (if not THE last) small time movie companies left in the United States. You should purchase this movie if for no other reason than to support independant film. But once you do buy it, what will you get? An incredibaly funny, very violent, and fairly titilating movie.
I was talked into watching this movie by an aquantance. Never having seen a Troma film, I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it would be a low budget slasher flick with lots of fake blood. I was mostly wrong. It turned out to be a very funny and interesting satire on the movie industry, movie making, and society in general. (While also being a slasher flick with lots of fake blood.) I haven't laughed as much at a movie in years.
As for the acting, while most of the actors will never utter the words "I'd like to thank the Academy," the female lead, Alyce LaTourelle, was simply excellent. I was surprised to see someone with as much talent in a low budget picture like this one. She is destined for bigger pictures, but not nessisarily better ones.
The Extras: The DVD is a two disc set that as some of the best extras of ANY DVD I've seen (an I have hundreds.) Most "making of featurettes" are nothing but the actors talking on the set about how excited they are to be making the movie, with clips from the movie thrown in. This DVD has a 90+ minute movie showing the whole process from the first day of shooting to the premier. I would have paid ... for this alone. They also have many deleted scenes, alternative scenes, and bloopers. There's footage of the actors auditioning for the movie (when's the last time you saw that on a DVD?) But wait, there's more! Three music videos (that are quite good,) interviews with two of the actors, and theatrical trailers. Not to mention three, count `em, three audio comentaries. Oh yea, and plenty of easter eggs! All together, one of the most feature packed discs out there.
One word about the screen format. This movie, as with most, if not all of Tromas movies, was filmed in 4:3, so this IS in it's original format. This disc is NOT pan and scan.
If you've read this far, you are probably considering purchasing this movie. Go for it, I'm happy I did.

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Honored at film festivals the world over and revered by tromites and tromettes worldwide, Terror Firmer is an unforgettable look into the set of one of Troma's movies of the future! Featuring director Lloyd Kaufman in the role of blind director Larry Benjamin, Terror Firmer tells the story of a low budget film crew trying to make The Toxic Avenger Part IV, only to find themselves stalked by a sexually confused killer!A satirical schock-comic tro-masterpiece, Terror Firmer stands as the tro-magnum opus of blood, breasts, gore, satirical laughs that will stick with you forever! And that's not even including the extra features!A second disc features the feature length making-of documentary, "Farts of Darkness," which is must-see viewing for anyone interested in making their own damn movie!With over two hours of extra features, Terror Firmer delivers the troma-riffic goods!

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Saddle Club - Mane Event (2005) Review

Saddle Club - Mane Event (2005)
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This movie rocks! It is a great movie for all horse lovers! It has 4 episodes all put together into one great movie! The first episode is about the barn fire and when Red quits because he was blamed. The second episode is about how Max and Debroh propose to each other. The third episode is about how Lisa wants to win first prize at a horse show but when she has to take a risk there will be consequences. The fourth episode is about when Lisa is still in a coma (after falling of her horse) and Max and Debroh getting married. Did Lisa come out of her coma ? Did Red go back to his job? You should see this movie to find out.

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The Pennsylvania Miners' Story (2002) Review

The Pennsylvania Miners' Story (2002)
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This made-for-tv movie is based on a real life incident in 2002, when nine Pennsylvania coal miners were trapped for three days when water flooded their mine. Partially shot at the Quecreek mine, where the accident happened, this movie is a realistic look at what the miners had to do to survive, as well as what their families went through while waiting for the miners to be rescued.
At just 90 minutes long, this is a fast paced and thrilling movie. The miners and their families are introduced in quick segments at the beginning of the movie and then the film moves right into the mine flooding and the miners struggle to say alive. The film alternates scenes in the mine with scenes of the miners families waiting at the fire hall for news of their loved ones.
The filmmakers do a good job filming the scenes with the trapped miners to the point where I felt claustrophobic watching some of the mine scenes. Even though I knew the miners all got out safely, I was on the edge of my seat watching them struggle in the water. The scenes with the families are, with one or two exceptions, emotional without being cloying.
I really enjoyed this movie and recommend it to fans of movies based on real-life events.

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Experience the unbelievable but true account of hope, friendship, and courage that captivated an entire nation in THE PENNSYLVANIA MINERS' STORY. Relive every gut-wrenching, heart-rending minute of the ordeal when a close-knit group of nine coal miners accidentally punch into an old mine shaft that's holding back millions of gallons of trapped groundwater. Now tragically trapped themselves in claustrophobic four-foot-high shafts, time becomes the real enemy. As their families gather above ground, the miners must battle rising water, hypothermia, "black damp," and the odds below -- armed only with the will to survive.

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Bolero (1984) Review

Bolero (1984)
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Lovely Bo Derek embarks on an awkward, sensual quest to lose her virginity in the roaring 20's. Armed with a huge inheritence, her trusty chauffer (George Kennedy), an adventurous college friend (Ana Obregon), an extravagant wardrobe and a seemingly endless supply of black eyeliner, Mac (Bo) travels around Europe looking for a sheik like Rudolph Valentino. Director John Derek, once again, focuses more on his wife's magnificent beauty than the outrageous story. By this point in her career (1984) we've already seen Bo exhaust the "innocent virgin" role (Fantasies 1974 and Tarzan, the Ape Man 1981). The script is completely ridiculous (which is really o.k. because most of the actors have thick accents that are incomprehensable) but the scenery is gorgeous! Bo tangles with an opium-addicted sheik, a jealous gypsy, and a handsome bullfighter (Andrea Ochinpinti) who wins her heart and her virginity. After he is gored by bull in the privates(!), Bo becomes a bullfighter on horseback and eventually proves that "love conquers all" when it comes to mending a broken, er..heart! Despite the raging controversy that followed this film, the love scenes are all beautifully photographed and not the least bit pornographic. But this IS a Bo Derek film, which means lots of nudity(!!!). For me, the best scene is when Bo fights the bull in the film's slo-motion climax. Her skill as an equestrian and "humane" approach to bullfighting are the most interesting part of this film. Campy and unintentionally funny in some parts, BOLERO is a great choice for a cheesy midnight movie at home. Bo didn't score a "10" with this silly film, but she seems like she had fun making it. You'll never look at "milk and honey" the same way again...

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Upon graduating from school in Britain, the wealthy Ayre "Mac" McGillvary (Bo Derek) hungers for more education in the art of love!Journeying to Morocco, she meets a handsome sheik, but alas, he falls asleep while seducing her.A hot-blooded matador in Spain does not disappoint, however. Unlocking her deepest desires, her world-class lover gives her a lesson in ecstasy she¹ll never forget.

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Joan Mitchell: Portrait of An Abstract Painter Review

Joan Mitchell: Portrait of An Abstract Painter
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Joan Mitchell's work is explicitly astonishing. This film is elegant, imaginative, graceful. Mitchell is a hard person to pin down and I think it is because, like her paintings, she just is. What she sees is spared her conscious manipulation, emerging uncensored. I like the idea that her paintings are like poetry, in the way a poem is not a statement but a summary of feelings that somehow cohere into a meaning which can only be felt, rather than spoken. There's just the moving feeling. Her work is organic and fierce and much to be admired. This film did such a good job of introducing me to Mitchell, even though Mitchell resisted the filmmakers. I don't think her resistance is intentional. I think that Mitchell is just a rare, visual creature for whom words are wholly inadequate. I watched it twice in a row.

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Kindergarten Cop (1990) Review

Kindergarten Cop  (1990)
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I think this is one of the worst DVD attempt by Universal Studio. They have totally ignore the fans of this movie. The picture transfer of this movie to DVD was not up to the standard. And why in the world they will only release this in Full Screen format only? What happen to the Widescreen format? I am sure many of us here like to see this movie as it meant to be seen. I felt like cheated by the studio. I should have read the fine print.."FULLSCREEN" I suggest not to buy this dvd and wait for better quality dvd version of this movie. I think Arnold should say something to the studio.."What Ah you thinking?!!"

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The Fall of the House of Usher /The Pit and the Pendulum (1960) Review

The Fall of the House of Usher /The Pit and the Pendulum (1960)
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These two films revolutionized AIP. No longer were they pumping out black and white Academy aspect ratio films that became double features. Now they were making color cinemascope features. Both of these films feature Poe stories with Vincent Price in the lead and Roger Corman behind the lens. And they truly remind us that Corman made some great movies during his time at AIP. The Pendulum is truly a scary set.
These are essentials for your DVD collection if you have a Psychotronic shelf.

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THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER: Audio Commentary by Director Roger Corman Original Theatrical Trailer THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM: Rare Prologue

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Behind Enemy Lines (2001) Review

Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
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I just saw this movie tonight(opening night) and I thought it was the best action movie I have seen at the movie theater this year. The story is about a Navy officer(Owen Wilson) who is about to quit the Navy due to the lack of excitement and the fact that there are wars going on so he only gets to go out in a plane and then come right back. But when the Navy commander(Gene Hackman) sends him out on another mission, Wilson travels into a Bosnia war base where his plane is shot down. After wilson and his partner land, the Bosnians find his partner and kill him, leaving Wilson all alone to defend himslef and try to stay alive behind enemy lines. Every scene has something exciting heppening. There are great twists and the plot is just perfect for a war/action movie. If you are looking for a good action-packed war-type movie, Behind Enemy Lines is the best one to find.

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Fighter navigator Chris Burnett (Owen Wilson) wants out of the Navy: he was looking for something more than boring recon missions he's been flying. He finds himself the lone Christmas day mission over war-torn Bosnia. But, when he talks pilot Stackhouse into flying slightly off-course to check out an interesting target, the two get shot down. Burnett is soon alone, trying to outrun a pursuing army, while commanding officer Reigert (Gene Hackman) finds his rescue operation hamstrung by politics, forcing Burnett to run far out of his way.

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Country Cuzzins / Midnight Plowboy (1970) Review

Country Cuzzins / Midnight Plowboy (1970)
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This country sex comedy double feature is worth its weight in corn! "Country Cuzzins" is the story of a hillbilly family that finds a wealthy city snob, Cuzzin Prudence, in its very shallow gene pool. Pru may turn up her nose at her knuckle-dragging kin, but she doesn't turn away their moonshine. Before you know it she's giggling at Cuzzin Leroy's pigs and even wins the chicken chasin' contest. She invites her hick family to visit her in the city, but only so she and her "high class" friends can humiliate them (you know who'll get the last laugh). This one's hilarious. Both the chicken chasing contest and the cousins' discovery of Pru's bidet are worth the purchase of this one. The acting ranges from bad to wretched, though John Tull as Leroy and Ellen Stephens as Prudence give pretty competent performances, and Rene Bond is enjoyable in her role. Of course, the main distraction from the terrible acting and overlooked details like "rich" Cuzzin Prudence's rusty lawn furniture is all the gratuitous sex. There are naked bodies flopping all over the place--and I do mean flopping. The men in particular seem to be impersonating fish out of water when they're atop various women.
The soft-X fun continues with "Midnight Plowboy," featuring John Tull as a ...stupid country boy named Junior who hitch-hikes to Hollywood only to end up living in a whorehouse. This one has less script than "Country Cuzzins" and, astonishingly enough, worse acting. However, if Tull and Debbie Osbourne, as one of the hookers, were allowed the luxury of multiple takes, one suspects they could've turned in better-than-average performances. The actress who plays the madame (billed as Nan Cee) resembles Pat Benatar and speaks in a soothing monotone as if she's conducting a tour of a mental hospital. She keeps referring to Junior as "young man" even though there's little difference in their ages. In fact, John Tull looks slightly older. But it's this total disregard for logic or cinematic convention that makes these movies so fun to watch. Though "Country Cuzzins" and "Midnight Plowboy" are both "dirty" movies, it's hard to imagine anyone other than 12-year-old boys getting turned on by them. This DVD also has some extra nudie loops included that highlight how even porn was innocent at one time.

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Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation (1992) Review

Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation  (1992)
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I have been a rabid Tiny Toons fan ever since it aired on TV in the early 90s, I was about 7. Me and my older brother would watch it everyday. Then came the How I spent my Vacation(I could have sworn it was called How I spent my SUMMER vacation, oh well), me and my brother were rolling on the floor dying of laughter! We loved the entire movie and I think we even recorded it or had our mom rent it from like Blockbuster everytime she went there, cause I remember watching it millions of times! I just recently bought it online(unfortunately a VHS copy cause for some reason I don't know why this isn't on DVD yet and it should have been on DVD years ago!) and can't wait for it to come in so I can show my younger sisters, who missed out on this classic jem! If you haven't seen Tiny Toons before or this movie I HIGHLY recommend it! Classic scenes are: the entire scene of Plucky with Hamtons family going on a trip to Happy world land with a psycho(some parents said he was too scary for kids, nonsense! Yeah the guy was rather freaky but the scenes with him were too funny to be too scary! I was never scared of him and I was a little kid!) who hitch-hiked with them, Buster and Babs water fight and trip down the river with possums trying to eat them, and the ending! Do yourself a favor and just buy a copy even if you haven't seen it. You won't be disappointed! Just check out the ending song:
Buster: "We're sad, we're confessing, that school is back in session. *takes out his water pistol* I sure learned my lesson."
Babs shuts Buster in his locker.
Babs: "I actually had fun."
Plucky: "I'm filled with elation, I'm back from that vacation!"
Shirley: "For my next incarnation...I'm coming as a nun!"
Elmer Fudd: "Welcome back to Acme Woo for a new school year."
Buster: "Yikes, a test."
Babs: "I need rest."
Plucky: "I'm living in fear."
Fefe: "Johnny Pew is a pity."
Elmira: "At least I got my kitty."
Dizzy: "No more crate, I now look great."
Kids: "We've been outdone."
Hampton: "Tunnels, and car games."
Plucky: "Boy that trip was sure lame."
The psycho killer steps in the room.
Hampton: "Here's our pal, what's his name?"
Plucky: "Someone call the cops!"
Kids: "You viewers are lucky."
Killer: "Hey where the heck is Plucky?"
Kids: "When weather gets mucky, you can take it from the top. When September rolls around, you hear that school bell sound, never mind, press rewind, it's summer time again. We're tiny, we're toony, we're all a little loony. It's Tiny Toon Adventures..."
Buster: "And I am the champ."
Babs: "And now you are just damp.
Babs pulls a cord, soaking Buster.
Babs: "I just can't help myself."

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After the Silence: True Stories Collection TV Movie (1996) Review

After the Silence: True Stories Collection TV Movie (1996)
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I first saw this movie on a cable channel, and saw through the made-for-tv nonsense. The story is about a young woman who is deaf. Her story starts, in the movie that is, with her abusive father dealing drugs in the living room of a very small apartment. Laura, played by Kellie Martin, is taking a basket of freshly folded laundry, and happens in on her father. Furious, he begins to hit her, until her mother attempts to step in. With his rage focused on her mother, Laura desperately tries to escape from his wrath. He charges back at Laura, and literally scares her out of a two story window. Rather than face him, she decides to drop, to what could possibly her demise.
This is how the movie starts. And i was captured immediately. The acting for the most part is very well done. The two main actresses, JoBeth Williams, and Kellie Martin are pretty much the focus of the entire film. As this was made for TV, there are some eye rolling scenes, but overall, they were excusable because of the power behind the story. This movie, while not perfect, has a lot of heart, and often makes you smile. While i agree with the previous reviewer that Hollywood should do something about subtitles, i don't fault this movie for not being the pioneer in that aspect. They took a good story, and did what they could with it.
I would rate this as 4 1/2 if i could. The cheesy aspect takes little away from the story, and even if it did, i didn't notice it.
I applaud Kellie Martin for her performance in this movie, as she relies on body language to get her feelings across, and does a fantastic job at doing so.
I own this movie. There are no special features, or even chapter selection on the main menu, but i don't regret purchasing it at all.

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The Boston Strangler (1968) Review

The Boston Strangler (1968)
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Tony Curtis and Henry Fonda star in the critically acclaimed movie based on the true events of a serial killer that killed 13 women from 1962 to 1964. This movie takes a documentary style approach in following the investigators as they piece together the clues behind a seemingly random series of murders. Fonda stars as police detective John S. Bottomly and Curtis co-stars as Albert DeSalvo, the man who eventually confessed to the crimes. Of particular interest on this DVD is the inclusion of the 21-minute Backstory documentary on the movie that originally appeared on the AMC cable channel, interviewed on camera are Tony Curtis (who gushes with his appreciation of the movie), the director Richard Fleischer and producer Richard Zanuck. Also featured is a three-minute Fox Movietone newsreel of the actual events that appears to be missing part of its audio track. Rounbding out the special features is a selection of eight trailers including a theatrical trailer and teaser for the main feature that are both in wodescreen with excellent picture and only a slightly distorted (from age) audio track. This is an excellent movie and DVD - recommended.

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A schizophrenic plumber is responsible for strangling several boston women, but goes undetected until he is arrested for breaking and entering.

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Through My Eyes Review

Through My Eyes
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"Through My Eyes" is a must-see for all Christians who are serious about living out the Gospel as it paves the way for reflective dialog among those who are seeking to put into practice Christ's message to "love one another as I have loved you." In this DVD, over two dozen Christians in their teens and twenties share their stories of what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God, who happen to have been born gay, and who long above all else to worship God with their entire being and desire that His holy and perfect will be done in their lives.
Not just a message for Christian communities who want to understand more of what it means to be Christian and gay, "Through My Eyes" is a testimony of the lives that Christ has changed through His love. This video will enhance every church's library as it provides fruit for discussion among Sunday school classes, youth and adult ministries, and other groups searching for what it means to love without condition.
As a Christian who has struggled with being gay my entire life, this video has provided me with the voice(s) to share my faith with friends and family. Like these ladies and gentlemen in the video, I didn't know how to reconcile being Christian and gay--mainly because I thought I was the only one. I felt that I had to fix who I was by continually praying for God to change me. I no longer feel that there is something that needs to be "fixed" because I now know nothing was broken in the first place; I was created in a manner exactly as God intended me to be. I now realize that I'm not alone: that there are others who are gay and have committed their lives to following the voice of the Good Shepherd by living out His message in our daily lives.

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Miracle in the Woods (1997) Review

Miracle in the Woods (1997)
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I really have never heard of this movie before but it caught my eye, while reviewing selections. This soul-searching story gets to the heart of what life is really all about. We don't need money and material things to be truly happy, which some eventially come to realize in this story. All of us really need what this wonderful story teaches us; that life is too precious and too short to waste it on bitterness, regret, and selfishness. Forgiveness is a powerful and wonderful emotion in the journey of life. And love and faith will conquer all.

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Item Name: Miracle in the Woods; Studio:Questar

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The Secret Lives of Adult Stars Review

The Secret Lives of Adult Stars
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Having always been fascinated with the adult film industry and the people not only in front but also behind the cameras; I must say that this is a pretty good film.
Lots of different interviews with people like Randy West and Nina Hartley, who have been around and working since the early 80's (at least!); as well as a lot of other interviews with the newer up and comers.
"The Secret Lives of Adult Stars" covers a wide range of topics and touches a lot of bases. Everything from views on penis size, AIDS, condoms, strippers turned porn goddesses, the role of the men, directors, couples in the biz, stalkers, fans... you name it...and there is probably a section of the documentary that deals with the subject.
If you interested in seeing lots & lots of interviews by some of the industries leading names.... and the subject matter & behind the scenes knowledge is something that interests you, then this reviewer would strongly suggest checking this movie out.
Just keep in mind...this IS a documentary - not a porno.

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