Bikini Summer 3: South Beach Heat Review

Bikini Summer 3: South Beach Heat
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This is another good installement of the "Biniki Summer" series. If you liked the first two you will like this one also.

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Sex Machine (2007) Review

Sex Machine (2007)
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Crickets is a theme here in the way that wine acts in "Sideways." I had seen the cricket in "The Last Emperor," but I wonder if the animal symbolizes something in the East. If so, they didn't explain it here.
The film is raunchy, but that has more to do with positions than with naughty bits. Many people say comedy is culture-specific. Remember that Jackie Chan admitted he had no idea why American audiences like the "Rush Hour" franchise. However, I understood most of the humor here. By the end of the film, I didn't understand one aspect of the plot and the way it was filmed was poorly done. There is some girl-girl action near the end that many viewers will like, but if you think hard, it has nothing to do with the storyline. It's purely there for eye candy.
This did have some jokes that American audiences would have seen in "There's Something About Mary" and Jenny McCarthy's film. Still, I was entertained enough by this. Timewise, this film was much shorter than your average American film, so even if you despise it, it doesn't last long.
Most sex comedies are not Oscar-worthy, so if you go in knowing this is not "On Golden Pond" or whatever, then you may have a decent time with the piece.

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The Regina Pierce Affair (2003) Review

The Regina Pierce Affair (2003)
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This is a tongue in cheek, softcore version of "The Thomas Crown Affair". But this time, the art thief is a woman. Regina Pierce (C. C. Costigan) likes to steal "art" from museums for fun. She also likes to watch her errand boy and his girlfriend (Amber Newman) have sex. Two cops (some guy and Holly Sampson) start investigating the case. The guy gets romantically involved with C.C., and Holly just kind of hangs around.
Interspersed throughout this story are seven sex scenes. Six are boy/girl and one is girl/girl. Five of the scenes are nothing short of spectacular. The other two were still good. The director, Madison Monroe, really did things right and I wish more directors would film softcore the way he does. For example, during Holly's scene, there's a segment where she's on top. In most softcore, this shot would be held for fifteen seconds, at most. It this movie, the shot is held for a full minute. The camera just lingers on Holly's perfect body while she writhes in the throes of passion. There are a lot of great shots like that in this movie. Holly isn't the only hottie. All the women are beautiful. This is a Surrender title, so the sex scenes are longer than what you'd find in an Image/Playboy release. Unfortunately, that also means that music is the only thing you hear during the scenes as well.
The DVD is bare bones. The only extras are some trailers for movies that I have no interest in seeing. There isn't anything in the menu that will let you jump to specific scenes, which is just plain lazy. However, the DVD was authored with timecodes and there are chapter stops, so it's better than other Shadow releases. And just to be clear, unlike a lot of their other releases, Shadow did get the right version for this DVD. It is the unrated version, not some hacked up, R rated version.
I had low expectations for this movie, but it was really cheap and I figured if I got four decent sex scenes out of it, I'd be happy. I ended up getting a movie that put other softcore titles costing three or four times as much to shame. I can easily recommend this one.

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Blue Valley Songbird (1999) Review

Blue Valley Songbird (1999)
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Touching, simple, real-life like story, wonderful movie, with gorgeous music with Dolly sounding like an angel. Like every other Dolly fan I would love for someone somehow to publish
a copy of "We Might be Inlove" as it has never been released outside of the actual movie, and there is no soundtrack...
As for the "Editorial Review" The movie was WRITTEN based on Dolly's song "Blue Valley Songbird" off her "Hungry Again" Album, and the whole bit is to explain Leanna's origins, and how she came to be where she's at.... and to explain what's REALLY been holding here back through the years, so if you get beyond your opinion that Dolly can't act you'll see there's another depth to this story.... Highly recommended to anyone who loves Dolly, music and or Romance!!!

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Under the Lighthouse Dancing Review

Under the Lighthouse Dancing
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I did not feel the movie at all sugary and "sentimental". One of the friends reveals she's dying. If the characters did not express sentiment, they'd be sociopaths. The movie was slow-paced, but not painfully so, and the scenery was beautiful. The film contains a wedding to end all weddings, certain to please many people. My only quibble with the movie is the music played at the wedding. It needed to be joyful and I'm sure the filmmaker thought this music was, but to me it was determined, abandoned, maybe defiant. I would have preferred something more emotionally in tune with the rest of the music of the film. Watching this movie a second time last night, I was reminded of the novel "Last Things, First Things." Both are set largely on a beautiful island, both deal with death, both involve love and relationships, yet both manage to be upbeat with satisfying endings.

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Under Heavy Fire Review

Under Heavy Fire
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I had recently watched this movie one early Sunday morning around 3:00am when I couldn't sleep. I at first thought it was one of those B rated movies so I choose to continue watching it and yes the acting wasn't all that great, but what intriqued me mostly about the movie was the fact that Veterans's were returning back to Vietnam and reliving nightmares and dealing with old demons and problems. The acting was alright considering what the movie was about. It really captured my attention when mistakes were made with the command structure and how misunderstanding and anger brought these band of brothers back together after so many years of pain. So hey the movie made it's point to me and that is why I ordered the DVD so I can watch it again. Great job Capser Van Diem and the remaining cast. Thanks!

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Satan's Wife (1977) Review

Satan's Wife (1977)
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For those curious as to whether Satan's Wife exhibits Mya's customary substandard quality, I'm sad to report that it does. The image looks like it was pulled from an old bargain VHS tape recorded in the EP mode. As with many of Mya's releases, there are no extras at all (not even a trailer), and you get two audio options: Italian with no subtitles and dubbed English that is very poorly voiced. The best thing you can say about the picture quality is that the aspect ratio seems to be correct--frequently not the case with Mya DVDs.
The picture and sound quality are both bad, and the movie itself is not much better. I watched the English version, and I got the impression that that the lines were designed to fit the movement of the mouths rather than reflect what was written in the Italian script. The basic plot involves four women who had a one-night stand with Satan long ago, renounced their allegiance and now must pay the penalty, a penalty that comes in the form of one of the women's daughter, now a teenager and looking to avenge the insult to the Evil One. Admittedly, the actor playing the daughter is pretty creepy (and her bad dubbing actually makes her creepier), but her lines are so overblown and the situations she finds herself in are so convoluted, you can't take them seriously. In fact, the death of one character late in the movie is so illogical, you get the feeling that the actors were simply making it all up as they went along. The film also features a number of "special effects" (such as people disappearing and reappearing for no real reason) that will make you miss the high standards of 1960s TV shows like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie.
Now take a look at the box cover and the tagline "The devil has never been hornier." You may think you're going to get a lot of nudity. You don't.
The plot itself is negligible, as it is in many of these Italian Exorcist/Omen rip-offs, but many of the scenes (especially those which involve the Charlemagne swords) play like Saturday Night Live parodies of these kinds of movies. It's nice to see John Phillip Law paired again with his Danger: Diabolik co-star Marisa Mell, but the opportunity to put the two together is wasted.
We begin with a long dance sequence in which the women give themselves to the devils, but they all sport big smiles, as if they're showgirls auditioning in Vegas. We end with the very 1970s "shock" ending, which isn't so much of a shock as a relief that the movie is over. Basically this is a waste of your money and a waste of your time.

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All Boys (2010) Review

All Boys (2010)
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In the intriguing documentary "All Boys," film maker Markku Heikkinen travels to Prague and takes on the rise and stagnation of the Czech Boys gay porn phenomenon. While he talks to many in the scene, he concentrates on four particular men; Director Dan Komar, and three of his actors Rudy (stage name Aaron Hawke), Josef and Filip. While each of these men has a striking story, it is Aaron's that forms the film's emotional core.
Komar is an adult trapped in arrested development, surrounding himself with perpetual 18 to 20 year olds and making movies of them having sex. It's hard to tell if he's got any emotional investment in his charges; frankly, he is a blank slate emotionally. Josef is a boy who only wants to provide for his impoverished mom. Filip is a straight boy and a go-getter, who works three jobs and does porn for the extra money. These three stories seem to work on the supply and demand theory. Komar has money and jobs, the boys are broke and in desperate need. In a country that has just broken into uncharted territory, these fresh and innocent faces lunge right into an industry that would die without a constant conveyor belt of fresh names.
However, the dark side of this story is Rudu, who gets discovered sleeping under a bridge. He is the hot new kid on the DVD player, makes a load of fast money, and when his features no longer fit the Czech Boys mold, he doesn't have the maturity to move on. He goes from being a " Jim Carrey" to a homeless drunk sleeping in a junkyard. From fresh new face to junkie in barely two years is a depressing arc to behold.
While Josef and Filip found their way out of porn and into a life after their twinky expiration dates, it is Rudu's face that stays with you. There's another man who appears briefly, admitting to being a prostitute after being in porn and is already damaged beyond likely the age of 27. (I won't even go into the fact that these boys are almost all barebacking.) "All Boys" takes a hard look behind the bright lights and gaudy colors to stare at what happens after the clock runs out.

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Storyville - The Naked Dance (2000) Review

Storyville - The Naked Dance (2000)
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Storyville existed from 1898 to 1917 as a district where prostitution was not illegal-nor was it strictly legal, either. This film, narrated by a fictional prostitute of the era, attempts to depict Storyville and its denizens. It features an interview with Al Rose, whose book 'Storyville New Orleans' is the definitive work on the topic. The film is very strong on the life of the prostitutes and the social structure of Storyville. It makes some over-generalizations about jazz that can be pardoned in a glossy work. Male prostitution goes unmentioned. The worst flaw is that it provides none of the reasoning for the establishment of Storyville-the French Quarter was over-run with bordellos, among other things-and it has very little discussion of what happened after Storyville was closed down. Rent this DVD if you can, except for hard-core New Orleans history buffs (like me) it's not a keeper.

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Love Beat the Hell Outta Me (2000) Review

Love Beat the Hell Outta Me (2000)
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As a viewer from the U.K. it can be quite difficult acquiring African-American films. I really do enjoy watching this type of film, but I can honestly say that watching this could have put me off for life.
All of the men in the film were in serious need of medical attention and all of the women were acting no better than women employed in the oldest profession (only they weren't getting paid for it). The men were suffering from so much fustration, anger and agression that you could not understand what they were saying half of the time.
You had to watch the film about 3 times just to understand it (and that's if you could stay awake for long enough).
It was lucky to even get one star in the rating and I think that I did you all a favour by watching it and reviewing it so you wouldn't have to.
To summarise,DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR TIME. getting this one.

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Dance a Gogo: Sexy Nightclub Workout Series (2010) Review

Dance a Gogo: Sexy Nightclub Workout Series (2010)
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This is a box set of the music video dance workout, latin groove dance workout, and nightclub fun workout. There is a section where each dance section is broken down at half pace, then double pace, then all the dance parts are put together. There is no instruction of how to do the moves, so you will probably flail around a little ridiculously until you can get the moves down. It will depend on how familiar you are with dance. My advice is just keep going until you get it. Everything takes practice to get good. The actual workout time is pretty short, I like to do it on a day I am going to do something else too. I'm not sorry I bought this box set, but it probably won't be my favorite workout. I do love to dance, and this is a good way to learn a new style of dancing.

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My Fair Son (2009) Review

My Fair Son (2009)
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I guess Gay life in China is just emerging from the shadows. This movie I understand is one of the first Gay moives. It is all very tastefully done and kind of shy but it gets it's point across. It shows the sadder side of that life. Two ships passing each other at sea.
Nice looking people but the father is not much to be admired. I am glad I bought it. As
time goes on the Chinese movies may get bolder.

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My Own Country Review

My Own Country
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I saw this movie several years ago. It took me days to stop thinking about it. I thought all of the acting was good-to-excellent, and the subject matter is extraordinarily powerful. This is NOT just for homosexuals or people coming to grips with AIDS. This is a wonderful exploration of the prejudices that occured with the emergence of AIDS in this country (and continue to be a problem in some quarters even today). But the subject matter is somewhat disturbing. It really makes you stop and THINK about the AIDS epidemic and it really brings home what is happening in Africa right now.

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The Libertine (1969) Review

The Libertine (1969)
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This is a surprisingly entertaining movie. It is almost quaint.
Catherine Spaak, one of the most beautiful actresses of the 1960's is at her most beautiful as a widow who discovers her late husnband had an apartment that he used for kinky sexual escapades. She then decides to use that apartment for similar purposes and to live a more carefree sexual lifestyle.
Movie is full of typical 1960's touches, from the art direction to the music. This is not, though, an explicit sex movie or even one of those late night Cinemax flicks. This is a fine, sexy, very entertaining movie.
The VHS version of this movie was missing several minutes of the more naughty scenes. Luckily they have been restored for the DVD version. The print quality of those scenes is not up to par, but it is still nice to see a complete version. The DVD also features some "Deleted Scenes" and some amazing 1960's trailers from the Audubon Collection. They are truly fun to watch.

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Directed by Pasquale Festa-Campanile (Hitch Hike) and starring European sex goddess Catherine Spaak (The Cat o' Nine Tails, La Ronde, Hotel) and French star Jean-Louis Trintignant (A Man and a Woman, The Conformist, And God Created Woman), The Libertine is about a demure young widow named Mimi (Chatherine Spaak), who discovers that her husband had a secret apartment equipped to satisfy his unusual sexual desires. Upset that he had turned to others for sexual satisfaction, Mimi decides to use the apartment for herself.

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The Alamo - Thirteen Days To Glory (1987) Review

The Alamo - Thirteen Days To Glory  (1987)
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When you're from Texas and have spent many years studying and knowing about the Alamo, it gets pretty hard to stomache some of the more historically inaccurate videos. (i.e. the John Wayne version, et al.) They simply don't sit right with you. The TV version of the Alamo we have here isn't the best movie ever made. Nor is it the worst. Far from it in fact. This version manages to get rough historical facts in order. The siege lasts the right number of days, the attack happens at the right time, Wm. Travis isn't a 50 year old man, D. Crockett isn't Fess Parker. Seeing as how so much of the Alamo legend is, in fact, myth, demanding that a film remain true to hard fact is ludicrous. Sure, parts are embellished. Parts are skipped over. Sometimes it's overly sentimental, but hey--we're talking about a pretty sentimental subject in the eyes of some. It's not perfect, but it's sure a step up from what we're used to. And until someone gets together and makes Steven Harrigan's new novel into a movie, I think it's probably my best bet for a "pretty good movie about the Alamo". If you're an Alamo buff, I'd certainly suggest you see it. It's well cast and weaves a pretty good emotional plotline, including a lot of points from Travis' supposed life. Alec Baldwin does very well in the role, as do the rest of the major supporting cast. If you're not an Alamo buff, then you're probably not reading this review anyhow. I say we all probably take what we can get, and this certainly could be a whole heck of a lot worse.

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Satan's School for Lust (2001) Review

Satan's School for Lust (2001)
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Satan's School For Lust is a pretty good movie from the guys at Seduction Cinema. With both Darian Caine and Misty Mundae in the movie, it could hardly be unwatchable. The story, what there is of it, is pretty simple. A young and naïve Primula Cooper (played convincingly by the generally far from naïve Misty Mundae) is sent off to the Diablo School for Girls while her father is out of the country. Before she leaves home, she begins having dreams of a sinisterly attractive woman (Darian Caine) coming to her in bed and putting a crucifix to a use that some folks might have a problem with. Once Primula arrives at the school, she meets with the weird, Bible-phobic head mistress Miss Beezle (I don't think I need explain the significance of this name to you, bub), played by Barbara Joyce, and tries to adjust to sharing a room with her Phoenix (Ruby LaRocca), her Gothic girl roommate. We soon learn that the Diablo school has a history of students disappearing, and an intrepid reporter (Kelli Summers) who comes calling finds out everything she wants to know and more. Eventually, we learn that Miss Beezle and Phoenix are trying to summon "the dark lord," and the innocent Primula may be just the girl virtuous enough to make the ritual work. There is a little bit of a surprise at the end, which I did not expect but did appreciate.
This movie is definitely not for the youngsters, especially given the fact that its percentage of erotic action is above average and there is just a little bit of discipline-related activity involved-hey, what do you expect at a place dubbed Satan's School For Lust? Misty Mundae fans should know that, although she is the star of the picture, her character is almost forgotten in the middle stages of the movie, with everything centering around Miss Beezle. Darian Caine doesn't get a lot of screen time herself, and she has not one line of dialogue (which might please some who aren't particularly fond of her voice for some reason). I would certainly recommend this movie to fans of this type of thing; there's plenty of good action, and the little twist at the end makes a statement that the plot is not completely unimportant this time around-almost, but not completely.
The DVD contains a number of extra goodies: a behind the scenes featurette, deleted scenes, a full color booklet, a trailer reel, and a bonus feature called Blood For the Muse starring Tina Krause and Tammy Parks.

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Harlequin Romance Series - Diamond Girl - Vol 10 Review

Harlequin Romance Series - Diamond Girl - Vol 10
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Claire Barnard has been working as a paralegal for Denny Montana for four years (a playboy lawyer) and caters to his every whim, but he just sees her as reliable Claire. Until one day Dennys older brother (tall, dark) Regan appears in the office, determined to oversee the sale of the Montana Napa Hills vineyard. Regan immediately notices the fact that Claire is the driving force of his brothers' law firm, transforms Claire into a welldressed beauty (what some makeup and a new hairstyle can do!) and tells Claire of his plan to bring her and Denny together. For him it is business - he needs Denny distracted from estate agent Margot so he can convince Denny of his own ideas regarding the vineyard deal - but soon Regan is attracted to Claire himself.
I really liked this romantic movie. It is based on a Diana Palmer movie, but is actually quite different from the book. I believe some DP-fans were outaged about it, but hey, it is a 1998 movie and the book is an oldfashioned 80's romance novel with the overbearing hero and the little mouse/secretary heroine. I for one am happy they made Claire a paralegal with a mind of her own. She is no little mouse, has humor and I liked the chemistry between Joely Collins (Claire) and Regan (a yummy Jonathan Cake). This is romance as you read it in a romance novel, so I recommend it to all romantics. It is a 'Harlequin presents' movie, and I think this one is the best!

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