Sex Spa / Wayward Mistress Grindhouse Double Feature Review

Sex Spa / Wayward Mistress Grindhouse Double Feature
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Just writing this review to others as a warning if they are considering buying this, and the warning is: THINK TWICE!!! This DVD package is a total gyp!
Neither movie has any quality in it whatsoever. Both of these films should be tossed in the gutter where they came from. No attempt at serious acting whatsoever and the camrawork is atrocious! I'm not speaking of it transferwise, but as it was filmed. These movies view as if they were filmed by homeless people who found discarded camera equipment that wasn't very good but still worked, in some subway, decided to put it to good use by hiring a few junkies off of the streets to star in them and in return offer them a percentage of the proceeds!
Incompetant Camerawork, to say the least. Constant closeups of I dont know what. The scenes in these movies photograph as if the cameramen didn't know whether they were coming or going, and what makes them think people like to look at constant repetitive closup views of god knows what that just go on and on and on:--and for the pupose of what exactly? To make us dizzy!? Move around a little! Pan a little! Widen the shot a bit! What's wrong with you people!!?
On a side note, the acting is also very lethargic. Not one actor looks as if he hasnt sufferd massive brain-damage due to drugs. I wouldnt recommend paying anything more than $12 for this package and that's only if you're really curious. For anyone mildly curious, even $10 is too much. Buy this when it costs what it's actually worth, and dont be as dumb as I was. Anything over $12 is too much.

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