Big Daddy (1999) Review

Big Daddy  (1999)
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Let me start off my review by saying that Adam Sandler is my favorite comedian,and that I have all of Sandler's albums and I have seen and own a lot of his movies. Yes,BILLY MADISON and HAPPY GILMORE are both hillarious and classic comedy films-but what is the best movie Adam Sandler has made? In my opinion,that honor goes to BIG DADDY-which not only has everything an Adam Sandler film usually has to it and is,but it also has everything any kind of comedy film needs. Read on for my review of this:
This time,Adam Sandler is Sonny Koufax,a young male living in New York City who has never wanted reponsibility. Koufax works at a toll booth,and his dad,one of the most respected lawyers in Florida,has been,as Koufax puts it,hassling him his whole life to get a job. Koufax is a grown man,so he doesn't exactly have to do what his dad wants him to do now,correct? Correct-but there is a problem. The problem is that his girlfriend,Vanessa,is sick of Sonny being so lazy and is not sure whether or not she should stay with him.Oh no...what is Sonny going to do now?
Sonny is not exactly sure what to do to make Vanessa want to stay with him...but then,something happens that Sonny thinks could help him get Vanessa to stay with him. One morning,a five-year old boy named Julian shows up at his Manhattan apartment after he has been dropped off by an older kid who is probably about fourteen or fifteen years old. After one of Sonny's closest friends,Kevin(Jon Stewart)claims that Julian is not his son,Sonny takes responsibility for Julian-and after he finds out that Vanessa has left him for an older man,funny,sad,and heartwarming events continue on for about an hour or so.
BIG DADDY is one of the best "parenting" films ever made. Some parents say that they don't want their children watching this film because some of the things they(Adam Sandler and the two twins in this film who played Julian,Cole and Dylan Sprouse)do in this film are stupid--OK,so that may be true,but WHO CARES???!!! It's a film-and it's a hillarious film also. With this film,Adam Sandler brought out the goofy kid he played in BILLY MADISON and HAPPY GILMORE and helped make a film that already had a lot going for it really great,really sweet,and really funny.
This film,without question,is a must see film-no matter how old you are.

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