Sex - Life in L.A. Part 2: Cycles of Porn (2005) Review

Sex - Life in L.A. Part 2: Cycles of Porn (2005)
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Sex/Life in L.A. 2: Cycles of Porn is a fascinating look into the world of porn that is a follow up to Jochen Hick's 1998 Sex/Life in L.A. Hick revisits Kevin Kramer, Cole Tucker, Matt Bradshaw, and finds some new porn stars, or at least wannabes along the way. Although I found it to be quite intriguing it really only touches the surface and it left me wanting more. The film begins with a look behind the scenes at Chi Chi LaRue's "Live and Raw Hotel", a hotel filled with webcams and host to a bevy of boys, filming every moment for the world to see. Focusing on the trials and tribulations of the boys we follow their ups and downs, dreams and desires. More seasoned veterans like Matt Bradshaw, Cole Tucker, and Kevin Kramer are featured and we get a glimpse into where they are now. Surprisingly Cole Tucker is not like his onscreen persona and it was nice to see what a down to earth guy he was, much like the rest of them. A controversial subject is touched upon with the director of bareback videos and his search across country via a motor home in the search of new stars. Sex parties, drugs, and more sex round out the film that just begins to scrape the surface but is worth a look nonetheless. Hopefully Hick won't let so much time go by before he revisits this industry and let's hope he digs a bit deeper.

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