Little Man Review

Little Man
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I am a grandmother of quadruplets born prematurely at 29 weeks. "Little Man" is the only film I have ever seen that shows the reality of what a family goes through when a precious little one is born too soon. A lot of the film follows Nicholas in the NICU, and then the film shows the impact on Nicole and her family when Nicholas is discharged home on oxygen, an apnea monitor, and breathing treatments, and what it's like to deal with running a mini-ICU in the home. I had never seen that portrayed in any film before, as unfortunately, that is the reality with most preemies, along with surgeries, multiple meds, and feeding challenges. Nicholas had more medical problems come up in time and the film follows the changes in the family that occur as he struggles. This is a compelling, beautiful, and poignant film and I highly recommend it.

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Sometimes the greatest love story is about your very own family.little man is the story of how a micro-preemie brought a family to its knees. When Nicholas is born 100 days early, he weighs only one pound and faces impossible odds for survival.As he struggles for life, so struggle filmmaker Nicole Conn and political activist Gwen Baba to keep their family from disintegrating under the unrelenting stress and chaos of hospitals, emergency medical crises and a crushing blow to trust.little man explores the core of the human spirit as a family realizes that they are capable of enduring what they never thought possible.

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