Break Up (1999) Review

Break Up (1999)
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Sometimes, I think, when a reviewer starts the ball rolling with a bad review, others tend to follow suit. Perhaps this is the case with Break Up. When I first and secondly (at a later time) saw the film, I was intrigued by the simplicity of it. While no one made an Oscar level performance, the actors played their roles with skill. Bridget Fonda made a believeable victim-turned-agressor, her lip reading skils, particularly in the dark, were a serious stretch. There is some confusion (still) about whether there were two assaults or just a continuation of one only. Bochner portrayed the scummy husband with aplomb. The supporting roles, though far less significant, were,nonetheless, satisfactory. The bank scene where Bridget finds her trashy husband relieved her of her savings, should serve to educate couples to protect their financial interests from a partner who is not trustworthy. The end seemed to have a somewhat interesting twist, and served to vindicate the betrayed wife. I purchased this in VHS format a couple years ago and routinely watch it when I feel that a somber, almost film noire movie seems to suit my mood at respective times. I DO, yes DO, recommend this film as sound entertainment, keeping in mind the diminuative filming budget. The soundtrack is errie and lends itself to the dark mood of Break Up. It just got under my skin and has become one of my favorite twenty-five films. Most of the DVDs and VHS movies I purchase or rent seem to satisfy me with only one viewing; even some of the big budget films. Not this one. Enjoy.

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