Pin-Up Girl (1944) Review

Pin-Up Girl (1944)
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It is WONDERFUL that FOX is releasing some Betty Grable movies once again...and finally on DVD!! "Pin Up Girl" was primarily a
follow up to the release of millions of copies of her famous pin up picture in 1943. It is a typical Fox Musical...with a large dash of vaudeville (roller skating specialties) and Our Betty playing a secretary (watch her take off her glasses and WOW just about everybody!)...who pretends to be a musical comedy star. There is A BIG NAME BAND and Betty dances with
Hermes Pan! O.K....we watch Betty because she is a great entertainer (and by popular demand, A PIN UP)...her films are
bright and colorful light entertainment. Betty suffers the
embarassment of plots that bring on migraine, but Betty is a
trouper. Bottom line: you will LOVE BETTY...not the movie. We can hope that this will triger the release of some of Betty's
films that have never been on video of any kind. I would really prefer to buy my Betty Grable movies from Fox than from mysterious people on e-Bay and I sincerely hope that this means we will soon be able to do that! Please bring us "Coney Island", "Sweet Rosey O'Grady", "The Dolly Sisters", "Mother Wore Tights"....and everything she made between 1950 and 1955.
Betty Grable was a wildly popular star. Some of her plots are
a little threadbare by now...but BETTY will always be THE WOMAN WE WON THE WAR FOR and a phenomenal popular entertainer. Thanks for bringing her back to us. THREE stars for the movie.

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