Caligula II - Messalina, Messalina Review

Caligula II - Messalina, Messalina
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This film is not a sequel to the famous Guccione "Caligula" with Malcolm McDowell etc. It is not even a real sequel to the "Caligula" with Laura Gesmer and David Haughton (ASIN: 6303364438), which is released on video and DVD by the same company. The only connection is that they use the same sets! Caligula is not even in this movie!
This film follows the stories of the Emperor Claudius, trying to run the empire while passing gas (on doctor's orders) all the time and hopelessly in love with his wife, the Empress Messalina, who is having sex every man in Rome except her husband, a traveller who has come to rome looking for a good time, and a Roman con-man. There are several funny scenes involving sexual situations, such as the con-man convincing the traveller that a Christian's home is a brothel, and the Empress, disguised as a prostitute, attempting to act out every sexual position illustrated in pictures on the wall ("do them all and it's free...wait, I think you missed one...well, we'll just have to start over..."). It all ends in a comedic bloodbath when Claudius comes home early and finds an orgy in the palace.
For all it's eroticism, this is not a "porno" flick, in that it is not just about sex for sex's sake. It's a sex comedy, where most of the humor involves sex or sexual situations. It is also a historical farce, satirizing the Roman Empire and other Roman Empire movies. It's funny both for the comedy, and for how "bad" this movie is. It is badly dubbed, badly acted and the effects are really cheezy. Not a timeless masterpiece, but somewhat amusing.

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