Battle Royale I - Special Edition Review

Battle Royale I - Special Edition
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If you think you had it rough back in your high school days, or you think things are bad in the public school system now... you have to see this movie. *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* Set in the near future in an economically depressed and overcrowded Japan, with juvenile deliquency run rampant, the government has come up with a solution similar to the "bread and circuses" one used in ancient Rome - give the public a distraction to keep their minds off their problems. The Romans used the gladitorial games. This particular Japanese government creates the "Battle Royale Act", setting forth a bizarre scenario where a particular high school class is chosen randomnly, unwittingly ambushed by knockout gas on a so-called "class trip", and transported to a remote island where thery're awakened and outfitted for the Battle Royale game - to be televised around the world. The object of the game is to survive. Each student is outfitted with some gear and a weapon, and are told that by the end of the allotted time period, only one will be left alive. No one can refuse, of attempt to leave the island because they're all outfitted with unremovable, explosive collars around their necks. The only other way off the island besides winning the game is suicide. This sets up the tension and suspense of the story - how will all these students deal with this sudden life or death struggle thrust upon them. Who will remain friends and who will become enemies? This superb, and extremely violent thriller, with thoughtfully placed moments of comic relief to cut the tension, makes for one of the most original and fascinating films I've seen in a long time. Personally, I would recommend this for only ages 18 and above.

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