The Art of Touch Volume 1 Review

The Art of Touch Volume 1
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I know calling this the worst video ever is a little harsh, but this dvd is almost unwatchable. I tried to watch this two diferent times, and ended up shutting it off both times after just a few minutes. I pressed on the third time to see if it got any better as it went didn't. I was under the impression that this was an instructional type video, it isn't. The ENTIRE film is shot with the subjects on a rotating bed...and it spins the ENTIRE time. It looks like these guys are trying to give and get a (really lame) massage on a record player. No joke, they spin and spin and add to that the camera going around them in the opposite direction, add in some annoying computerized fire and flashing disco lights in the background and you get an idea of how unwatchable this really is. When I was actually able to tune out the siezure inducing background and focused on the "instructional" part of the film, it was just as disappointing. Their "massage" actually includes running your fingers all over your partners body like little spiders...they call it "raindrops". Looks more like a bad game of "Mom, he's touching me!" than a massage.
I doubt that I'll be able to give this DVD away.

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