Under The Rainbow (1981) Review

Under The Rainbow  (1981)
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...either the master itself or the manufacturing process for this particular archive product is defective. There is a problem with poor compression and edge ringing that absolutely ruins this DVD-R release. Don't believe the small sample flash video of the film over at the Archive site. It hides the problem of what seems to be an "old, smeary analog master", to quote one Home Theater Forum participant that confirmed that this is a mass problem with this disc, not just my personal bad luck. I actually remember this one when it was running in theaters and it deserves better treatment than this. It's a strange little tale of a hotel across the street from MGM in 1939 that is trying to cash in on the publicity of the making of The Wizard of Oz and all of the strange goings on that surround it. Some of it is completely inane, but it is largely a fun film. Until Warner's fixes the problems with this one, avoid at all costs.

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