DVD, Toys For Better Sex Review

DVD, Toys For Better Sex
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The one thing about the Sinclair videos is that many of them were produced in the 70's or 80's and the quality is not there. With the evolution of high resolution cameras and DVD's, Sinclair has created a this video that has been made within a four year period.
They show many various sex toys that are sold on their site and each one is explicitly shown in graphic detail. They have four real couples and one single female to demonstrate the variety of toys they offer. From vibrating stuff to sleeves, there is something that any adult would be interested in. There is also a very amazing surprise if you watch closely, you'll see something that is rarely seen (it would ruin the fun if I told you!).
This is a very arousing video and very informative on your choices to enjoy yourself. I highly suggest if you are looking to improve your own life and/or your partner's, you should definitely purchase this video.
However, since this is a very explicit video, it is NEVER recommended to anyone under the age of eighteen.

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Explore the limitless regions of intimacy and arousal through this erotic, breakthrough guide to sex toys for two. Watch as couples demonstrate the use of up-to-date versions of dildos and dongs, vibrators, pleasure balls, specialty attachments, and anal penetrators that can add hours of playful delight to your lovemaking repertoire. Toys For Better Sex contains explicit demonstrations to help you and your partner expand the boundaries of your sexual pleasure and uncover your lover's secret pleasure spots! America's leading sexuality experts offer guidance and perspective on ways to heighten her orgasmic intensity and moves to drive her wild. See sex toys to make him last even longer, add texture, girth or length to his penis, and ways to experience "the eternal erection." Used during lovemaking, sex toys let you explore fantasies like ménage a trios or double penetration.

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