Visions of Sugar Plums (2001) Review

Visions of Sugar Plums (2001)
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Boy, do I feel ripped off.
Even my boyfriend complained within 30 seconds - did they really bother to put a movie like this on DVD? It was obviously filmed on Video, apparently using ambient lighting, using the on-camera microphone (which makes the sounds very muffled). The acting, direction & camerawork is the most amateurish I have ever seen, but when you put it the context of a home video, then it all fits into place. At least the microphone didn't slip into the picture, but that would be very difficult to do, given the microphone must have been the camera's in-built mike. The storyline is incredibly weak (OK, so there's no happy ending, either - just loose ends, out of character with the rest of the movie). The background music is incessant & mostly inappropriate & poorly chosen (I found it annoying after a bit). I love gay movies, but this DVD is an insult - both the movie itself & the DVD presentation. The DVD has probably had more money spent on the interactive menu, than the whole film's budget - it it very pretty, although only one option (play). There are no chapter stops (which is a problem for my Sharp DVD player as its fastest fast-forward is 3x or 4x - not good if you want to stop the film & come back to it later). The movie lasts just 1hr 1min (plus credits).
If you are prepared to pay that much money for a home video quality production, that you have trouble hearing & appears to have an uninteresting story, then OK. I buy almost all gay-themed DVD's that are released, but this is the worst by far. Sad.P>...Unfortunately Amazon won't allow me to give this DVD less than 1 star rating...

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Joey and Bruce, the happy New York gay couple, donned their gay apparel and are anticipating the Christmas holidays until Bruce's right wing off the wall religious parents announce an unexpected holiday visit. Shhhh!!! They don't know about Bruce loving Joey. Will Bruce "de-gay" their apartment and "de-Joey" his life?? Will Joey be forced to spend Christmas with a neighborly but overprotective drag queen, or will he seek solace in the arms of a hunky one-night stand? What follows is an emotional roller-coaster ride of live, acceptance, "coming out" and real family values as they seek to balance their lives and create a future together!

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