3 Bullets For Ringo Review

3 Bullets For Ringo
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With roughly 450-500 films made in the Spaghetti Western genre, it's just natural your going to have great ones, poor ones, and passible ones. I wouldn't say 3 Bullets for Ringo is a poor Spaghetti Western, it's just a very passable one. I own about 50 Spagetti Westerns and this is one I will rarely pop in to watch.
Mickey Hargitay plays Ringo (no connection to any other "Ringo" film), a man who rescues a woman from Mexican kidnappers and in turn has a falling out with his best friend who has a crush on the girl. His friend ends up going off to war and returns to join the side that is for siezing Ringo's mothters land.
The film has a likeable Spaghetti Western score but it lacks really great shootouts and "likeable" anti-heroes. This is one of obscure Spaghettis that is obscure for a reason...it just isn't that memorable.
The DVD however is great. Despite the trouble I have had with the company in the past (they have made me really MAD on a couple of occasions with their customer service) but their DVD release for this rare Spag Western is tops. Great anomorphic transfer with alternative credit sequences and trailers to other Mickey Hargitay Italian films. The trailer to the film Cjamango has a small video glitch but it's only a trailer and there are no glitches in the film itself.
Overall only buy if your a hard-core Spaghetti Western fan. There are much better Spaghetti Western films available by Anchor Bay and Blue-Underground Entertainment. If you already have all those then Wild East has much better westerns availble than this.

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