All Night Long, Vol. 3: The Final Chapter Review

All Night Long, Vol. 3: The Final Chapter
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Have you ever seen one of those movies that shows you images you wish you hadn't seen? A movie that leaves you feeling disgusted but overwhelmed with thoughts you never believed existed inside you? No? If the previous statements haven't turned you off already, All Night Long 3 might be an experience to consider.
The second sequel in this most unique series is not one that is easily forgotten. Portraying an adolescent male and his obsession with an older woman in his neighborhood, nothing is left to the imagination. Certain scenes push the boundaries of acceptable taste, and makes one wonder if the director is looking to attain pure exploitation. The concept of "human beings as garbage" is intruiging, but far too convoluted to be taken seriously.
So why five stars? Sometimes, certain aspects of a movie can be greater than the sum of its parts. In this case, the atmosphere is what makes the film so phenomenal. The music and the overall look of the film combine to envelop the viewer into a nightmare never before captured on film. It is certainly not a movie that will be appreciated by the majority of the population, but for those willing to endure such an ugly movie(their is no other word for it), they will be rewarded with images that will haunt them forever.

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