Journey Home: The Animals of Farthing Wood (1998) Review

Journey Home: The Animals of Farthing Wood  (1998)
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When I first saw that this movie was on video I thought, "Cool!" because I had been a fan of the books for a long time. This was made in Britian as a popular t.v series that was very closely based on the books. When I began watching it, there seemed to be scenes cut out, some goofy songs were in there, it didn't follow the books at all, and most of the animals didn't even have British accents! After talking to a U. K. friend of mine, I discovered that this version sold in America is NOT the true British version. Not only did the American merchandisers add several goofy songs and change the voices, but they cut about 50% of the movie out. All of this ruined the whole thing! British animals with American accents, several songs when only ONE is supposed to be there, and all the cuts that were done make many of the scenes not make any sense. What doesn't make any sense, is why American merchandisers would do this. The Animals of Farthing Wood is very popular in Britian, so why American merchandisers would do this to something so popular is beyond me.

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