Apartment of Erotic Horror (2006) Review

Apartment of Erotic Horror (2006)
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Well, they got the `apartment' part right. `Erotic' and `horror'? not so much. As you would expect, this is a low budget and quite low-grade film. With the exception of some minor exterior shots, all the action takes place in a photographer's (Dan Dare) apartment. Well, I say `photographer', but he doesn't look like a professional snapper to me. I'm no expert, but don't photographers have expensive cameras, lights, screens and those umbrella things (I told you I wasn't an expert) around the place? Not this guy. In fact, his camera looks pretty much like the one I use for selling stuff on eBay.
However, this doesn't seem to bother the wonderful Darian Caine or any of the other models who visit his place. This stream of lovelies consists of Tatiana Stone, Tara Ashleigh, Anette Durucz, Carmen Marie Vese and the aforementioned Darian Caine.
There's very little dialogue between the cast members. Our photographer, gives us the lowdown in Mickey Spillane speak via poorly recorded voice over. However, he does tell the gorgeous Carmen Marie Vese: "Just stick with me kid, you'll go far." As he begins his session with a now naked Carmen, he ponders: "How did Hefner let this one slip by? With her at my side years ago, I coulda been someone. I coulda been a contender." Yes, Carmen, stick with him and his state of the art gear, his copy of `A Step By Step Guide to Photography' and his fine repertoire of cliches and you won't go far wrong. Oh, actually you will because something horrible happens to the models who go into his apartment.
Of course, the horrible stuff doesn't take place until the nice stuff happens. Among the nice stuff, Darian Caine and Tatiana Stone have a playful wrestle for the photographer. Darian gets slightly hurt, but Tatiana knows how to make her feel better. Maybe Darian was getting some practice in for the awful TTW: Topless Tapioca Wrestling.
I don't know if the director of this film is a big Jess Franco fan, but there are close-ups, very close-ups, long shots and all around shots of the girls during their modeling sessions. The camera work and editing are poor especially during Carmen Marie Vese's scene. Here, the cameraman is all over the place like a drunken man on a listing ship to the ruination of the scene. The nastier stuff occurs during interminable periods of strobe-lighting effects. If the camera work doesn't make you feel queasy, these may do the trick.
There's plenty to dislike about this film. And yet, I can't help finding it strangely appealing. It's certainly a curious beast. The soundtrack veers from blues to jazz to classical to some kind of madhouse gothic style that I can't categorize. I bought this DVD because of Darian Caine's appearance in it. But be warned if you're a fellow Darian devotee: she's only in one segment. The DVD does not boast much in the way of bonus material. There's a stills gallery and one minute of a naked Anette Durucz blowing up balloons!
So, the erotic and horror elements are not particularly well realized thanks to some shoddy camera work and direction. There's a certain coldness to the production that harks back to some of the stuff that William Hellfire has given us. Although it's not as nasty as, say, Going Under (1998), Silver Mummy Double Feature DVD or Silk Stocking Strangler, its production values are at that sort of level. If dodgy photographers are your thing, you may also like to see Screaming Dead which has more horror and less nudity.

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Innocent, and not so innocent, girls lured to a fate truly worse than death! Sexy cinema sirens Darian Caine and Tatianna Stone together with a bevy of buxom beauties fend off a lust crazed demon who hungers for their very souls and soft sexy bodies. A down on his luck photographer makes a deal with the devil to have his youth restored but in return he must sacrifice his sexy models to the demon from hell, in Apartment of Erotic Horror!

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