Transworld Skateboarding - Sight Unseen (Video No. 12) Review

Transworld Skateboarding - Sight Unseen (Video No. 12)
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One of the best skate video's ever made in my opinion (and ever since watching the Bones Brigade Video Show I've seen most of them), it's worth buying for John Cardiel's mind-blowing part alone!
The version you can buy ...(produced by Redline) whilst being amazing does not have any of the extras that you get if you buy this DVD from a skate shop (or direct from TWS), so it's up to you - 40 minutes from here, or an hour plus (including a guide to the accordian with Matt Hensley, outtakes, photo gallery, chomp trailer and alternate edits) if you get the "real" version....

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The twelfth video from AOL/Time Warner's TransWorld Skateboarding and the third collaboration between producers Jon Holland and Greg Hunt, this video features some of the best skating locations as well as the fantastic footage of: John Cardiel, Dustin Dollin, Tosh Townsend, Henry Sanchez and Heath Kirchart. Guest appearances by Arto Saari, Bob Burnquist and Tony Hawk.

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