Kill the Scream Queen (2008) Review

Kill the Scream Queen (2008)
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First, let me set you straight. I love horror from 1920's silents up to the down n' dirty sadistic slashers, gut-munching zombies, and so on. This film along with numerous others that have come along in the last ten years or so seem to delight in just tons of nudity(which I don't mind) and torture scenes with no story whatsoever(which is unforgivable)!!! I know that this is the same gripe Ebert gave to Friday the 13th., but those types of films at least tried to give an iota of suspense. These films just want to shock you as to how far they can go, and let the director's film their own sick adolescent desires.
All I can say is that there is some beautiful girls who take off almost eveything. That would be the only draw because there is really no gore(some fake amateur blood) and I do not get off on rape. Some plot about luring girls to a snuff film audition was incredibly stupid. What girl is going to audition for a snuff film?
I really can't say anything else about this incredibly steaming pile of s***!!! I know this review will incite others to curiosity, but there is nothing here. The only people who could enjoy this type of "horror" is very disturbed teens with dysfunctional family lives.

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