Sex at 24 Frames per Second (2003) Review

Sex at 24 Frames per Second (2003)
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Considering some of the reviews provided for this film, one would think that it is just some type of rip-off. I found the film to be very interesting and informative. It hits all the right tones in dealing with the Hollywood's love/hate relationship with sex within the context of film. Starting with "Ectasy" and discussing changes, sometimes radical, the film investigates the role of sex within film juxtaposed against the contemporary mores of different eras. Yes, there are quite a deal of interviews as well as a huge number of clips demonstrating the particular points made by the interviewees. Hugh Hefner, Sharon Stone, Ang Lee, Jane Russell, all make appearances discussing the energy and forces which account for the use of sex and nudity in movies. While this film is not a Ken Burns epic the viewer will certainly come away from the expeirence with a better understanding of the art form which has attempted throughout the years to portray sex, and all its deviations, as the most vexing of all human desires and needs. Recommended highly.

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