Wicked Ways (1999) Review

Wicked Ways (1999)
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This movie is an edge of your seat movie that keeps you watching from start to finish. This is about a man who says he is going on field trips for work, but instead is going to the house of his other wife, which wife #1 does not know about. I could not stop watching this. I tried predicting what was going to happen next, but I was wrong, and I loved that I was wrong. Too many movies are too predictable and this one is not at all. This is easily the best movie I have ever seen. Rent it or buy it today. It is more than worth it. The ending is shocking. I could of never guessed what was going to happen, and this movie is full of surprises. I love it. Wicked Ways is an A+ movie! I was extremely impressed the first time I watched it. This movie deserves five stars. Any movie that can hook me into it so good that I do not want to leave my seat, deserves the honor of me writing this review to tell everyone else out there, that this is not just anyone predictable thriller, it is one of the best movies out there! I haven't told you much about the plot and the shocking surprises, and that is because I want you to see it for yourself. Go see it!! Trust me, there are a very few amount of movies I actually like, and I more than liked this one, I loved Wicked Ways!

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