Warner Bros. Classic Holiday Collection (Boys Town / A Christmas Carol 1938 / Christmas in Connecticut) (1945) Review

Warner Bros. Classic Holiday Collection (Boys Town / A Christmas Carol 1938 / Christmas in Connecticut) (1945)
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To have these three classics for this low price is fantastic. One film is the 1938 version of the classic Christmas Carol this one starring Reginald Owen as a very respectable Scrooge. If you can refrain from comparing him to Alastair Sim, you will be better able to enjoy another interpretation of Scrooge, and it is a fine one. Owen is truly miserly and wretched, as befits Scrooge, and very believable. The overall production is wonderful, the only drawback was the casting of Terry Kilburn as Tiny Tim...WAY over the top, to the point where he is annoying. But all in all, a great version, and Ann Rutherford as the Ghost of Christmas Past is fascinating.
Christmas in Connecticut is very satisfying; a real new England Christmas, with Barbara Stanwyck in one of her lighter roles. This is enjoyable for those who are alone over the Holidays and a great film to watch with family for those who will have a traditional Holiday, with family and friends.
I saved the best for last...Boys Town.
This is absolutely one of my all-time favorites, with Mickey Rooney in one of his definitve, cocky wise-guy roles. No one could touch a Mickey Rooney performance in this type of role; he cornered the brash market...as he proves in this movie. It is a real treat to watch him interact with Spencer Tracy, THE finest actor Hollywood has ever produced, IMO. He has dignity, he commands respect simply by virtue of his own quiet, firm presence.
The other boys were great complements to the production; all very natural, and Bobs Watson particularly heart-breaking in his role; what a great actor he was! (If you can find a copy, see him with Cedric Hardwicke and Lionel Barrymore in "On Borrowed Time", a REAL tear-jerker.)
I wish I could have been on the set of this one! They must have had a ball. When I saw it, as a child, I thought it was a movie, therefore fantasy, and not real; when I found out that Father Flanagan was indeed real, as was Boys Town, it gave the movie even more of a dimension and interest. His tenet, "There is no such thing as a bad boy", is touching in its simplicity and pure, simple faith. Father Flanagan's secret for success with even the most recalcitrant youth was this faith and his refusal to accept any boy's lack of self-esteem or belief in himself; with FF ALL things were possible.
When Spencer Tracy was voted best Actor at the Academy Awards that year, he became the first actor to win the award two years in a row...the first was for his part as Manuel, in "Captains Courageous." Being the gracious, wonderful man he was, he accepted his award with extreme humility, and gave it to Father Flanagan, whom he highlighted in his acceptance speech.
This movie has drama, excitement and some very funny moments and shows the amazing versatility of a very young Mickey Rooney. A truly great buy.

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