American Parkour Presents: Parkour Tutorial Volume 1 Review

American Parkour Presents: Parkour Tutorial Volume 1
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I found this DVD to be very disappointing. Ofcourse I've been doing parkour for 6 years so, you can see why.
Let me explain. This DVD is WONDERFUL if you are a newcomer to the Parkour scene...Get it, I wish I had this DVD when I was a newcomer, it discusses what to do and what NOT to do, VERY ACCURATELY. Its a VERY well compiled DVD.
This DVD is recommended for beginners, especially if you want to learn the basics. Be warned its only 45 mins long, its very detailed though.
I DO NOT recommend you getting this if you are an experienced freerunner, You will just be reviewing the basics of parkour.
This could potentialy become a newcomers necessity.

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