Ghost in the Shell: Individual Eleven Review

Ghost in the Shell: Individual Eleven
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It's not obvious from the product page here on Amazon, but this is an edited version of the entire 26 episode series. It has been cut down to 2.5 hours for a movie experience. It is a good buy if you have already seen the entire series or don't want to spend the time which would be upwards of 9 hours if watched as 26 episodes. It gets the idea of the story, but of course, some good things are lost. Personally, I think GITS is too good not to see all of the details.

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The year is 2030, and an influx of refugees have effortlessly transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as the Individual Eleven. With a sadistic intent of mass destruction, will they triumph in victory or discover the gloomy pitfalls of defeat?

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