August Underground's MORDUM DVD Review

August Underground's MORDUM DVD
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the first time i tried to watch "august underground's mordum" a few years ago, i had to stop after about ten minutes because it immediately felt like a pointless film that would've wasted my time. recently, i sat down to watch the whole thing through. i really should've heeded my first instincts. this movie is absolute scheisse.
these words are not written out of disgust with the shocking footage. (i'm somewhat desensitized to violence at this point in my life.) rather, this movie is just utterly boring and lacks any redeeming value whatsoever. there's no plot in this simulated snuff film. the badly acted one-dimensional characters just torture and kill people for no reason and that's basically the entire movie, aside from some random footage depicting the killers' everyday lives, sprinkled in to give the viewer respite from all the torture. there's no setup, motivation or direction to any of this. all the scenes are just spliced together with no real transitions. on top of that, throw in some loud annoying cursing, screaming and laughing all the time in place of a soundtrack or real dialogue. yeah. and then it all finally mercifully ends! i like horror movies, but this is not a horror movie. it is a trial to test your patience. if you're not easily shocked, prepare to be extremely bored. if you are easily shocked, then you'll probably turn off this film long before reaching the so-called "ending" for other reasons.
at least critics can praise the cinematography when they dislike everything else about a movie. well, not here. there's not a drop of "cinematography" to be found in this movie. the worst part is the shaky out-of-focus hand-held camera work. ugh. the washed out colors and grainy shots destroy much of any aesthetic appeal to the special effects. in short, this movie looks like crap. crap shot on a broken camera, no less.
the movie that previously held the title of "worst movie i've ever seen" was the japanese simulated snuff film "guinea pig: the devil's experiment." i stopped watching that about ten minutes in as well. i didn't think it was possible, but "mordum" somehow became a new winner. congratulations are in order.
there's something about the dark side of human nature that has always been fascinating. it manages to revolt and attract at the same time. we seek it out to remind ourselves of the uncivilized animal we have been and could be still. if you wish to see man's inhumanity to man on film, try watching "salo, or the 120 days of sodom," pasolini's interesting adaption of the marquis de sade's novel. on the other hand, you could also spend some time watching the military channel to appreciate the positive aspects to the art and application of concentrated violence. however, if you must watch "mordum" out of morbid curiosity (like i did), try not to pay too much. there's a decent chance you will stop watching after the first few minutes, out of moral disgust, or out of sheer boredom.

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