King of Comedy (1999) Review

King of Comedy (1999)
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This is the film Stephen Chow directed before Shaolin Soccer. Do not get it if you want "kung fu" hilarity. That being said, this movie made me laugh out loud a number of times. Stephen Chow plays a desperate extra/actor who can't get a scene to save his life. He works at a Neighborhood Welfare House, and in his spare time, gives free acting lessons. Of course, these lessons are hilarious, as he attempts to teach a young wannabe Triad gang member how to act tough when collecting money, and also an expensive call girl how to act virginal and like she's still in college. There are alot of funny scenes, including a hilarious spoof of John Woo films and a cameo by Jackie Chan. I recommend it if you like Stephen Chow's comedy bits in Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle! The subtitles are a bit tough at times, though.

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