Loving Sex: Sex Around the House (2002) Review

Loving Sex: Sex Around the House (2002)
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Reviewed by: Katie Rose
`Sex Around the House' is one in the `Loving Sex' series, instructional videos designed to help couples through different aspects of sexuality. If you've never watched an instructional video this is going to be an interesting adventure.
Since I wasn't sure what to expect from this video, my partner and I debated on getting comfortable or making a pizza before watching the festivities. Since this technically was work, we decided on the pizza which I threw in the oven, grabbed my notebook, then hit the play button.
It opened with a sort of `man on the street' scene in which a woman was asking passersby what they would do with assorted household objects - a rolling pin, a spatula, a feather duster, and much to my partner's horror clothes pins. While the people were hesitant to offer uses for these items, they came up with some typical and humorous responses. From there it took us to the actual introduction where Julie Ashton, a bright and blonde woman is seated at a sofa interviewing Dr. Ava Cadell. Dr. Cadell is one of the nation's leading sexologists. She was dressed professionally, had dark hair, and if I thought Julie was bubbly, Dr. Cadell bubbled over with enthusiasm for the subject matter.
Sex Around the House - is about finding new sexual pleasures right at home. Julie goes on to invite Dr. Cadell into her home. She explains that she is having several couples over for the weekend and that she'd love the Doctor to give them a personal lesson. The doctor agrees, and we then are transported to Julie's home. What follows is the introduction of Julie's friends to Dr. Cadell who goes on to show the same items that were offered to the people on the street. She again asks for suggested use, but then offers a few ideas of her own -along with a warning that items used for sexual purposes should not be used for everyday purposes. The strangest had to have been the pasta spoon. The doctor suggests that you can use it by rubbing it lightly up and down your partner's body or stroking it through their hair. She encourages the group to look at everything in their home as a potential sex object. Think about how the object can heighten your senses.
After the doctor leaves, the video goes through a series of scenes showing each of the couples as the have sex utilizing Dr. Cadell's advice - sex in the laundry, the kitchen, the bathroom, the office, even a closet. The most novel idea I thought was by using the phone to call your partner in another area of the house and then engage in some foreplay phone sex.
Obviously, not everyone has a home as well put together at Julies. Rooms dedicated as an office/workout room or a sunken tub in their bathroom are not the norm, but I could see how the concept could be adapted to any household. For the entire day after I watched the video, I couldn't help but look twice at every item that I picked up.
Besides the main part of the video, the DVD offers additional sex tips from Dr. Patti Britton, sexuality information, links to important sites and a bonus scene from one of the other Loving Sex programs.
What does it all add up to?
Each of the couples seemed to be actually enjoying themselves. There was banter between each other, none of the `do me now!' type of porno. It was very loving and yet very hot to watch - that is not to say that in real life these items don't go hand in hand, but in the world of porn it's almost nonexistent. Since I'm not an expert in determining when a woman has had an orgasm just by looking at her, I couldn't tell if they truly had, but they did look excited and into what they were doing, not just going through the motions. And when the guys climaxed it looked real. No money shots here!
I liked this video and I would recommend it to couples that are looking to expand their lovemaking beyond the boundaries of their bed. Even if you never have sex outside of the bedroom, the items you bring to your bed will help to enhance and heighten your sexual experience.
By the way, the pizza went uneaten.

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HOT SEX RIGHT AT HOME! From the Alexander Institute's Loving Sex series, ranked "Best" by Men's Health Magazine. With the help of sex expert Dr. Ava Cadell, Juli shows how to experience new sexual pleasures right at home. Three attractive real life couples move beyond the bedroom to discover a variety of creative uses for otherwise common household items found in any home. Discover new highly erotic opportunities in your living room, laundry room, kitchen, gym and almost anywhere in your house. Includes new techniques for both women and men. Features optional Spanish, French and German audio and menus. -Sizzling in the kitchen -Adventure in the laundry room -Working it in the gym -Phone sex & more in the living room -Rub-a-dub in the bathtub -Getting cozy in the closet

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