Alice in Murderland (2011) Review

Alice in Murderland (2011)
Average Reviews:

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First the PRO:
The movie was poorly acted with little inference to the theme suggested. Weak storyline. Horrible effects. A garage movie with a great dvd cover and potential, given the script's (unused) idea. Trust me when I tell you - you shouldn't watch it if you are paid handsomely to do so. An embarrassment to the genre'.
Now the CON:
A maggot in the shape of a disc. It smells when you crack open the case. It ruins your dvd player. Your TV will never recover and will not forgive you for this travesty. If a dvd player could scream in pain, your ears would bleed.
Finally the CONCLUSION:
Even if taken in the light of "campy" you would beg for large bears to ravage the camp and rip out your eyes and ears in a primordial act of mercy.

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