The Battle of Franklin: Five Hours in the Valley of Death Review

The Battle of Franklin: Five Hours in the Valley of Death
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I am probably a little biased considering I took place in the reenactment in which they filmed many of their shots. When I saw the finished result I was very impressed. They brilliantly captured the horror of the battle of Franklin, and showed why it was truly the valley of death.

They also give you a very good look at the men who fought this battle. By taking excerpts from letters and eyewitness accounts, you see the battle from the fighting man's perspective. You also see why this battle may have been the most horrifying battle throughout the entire war. I would definitely recommend this documentary for any history buff's collection, or for anyone wanting to learn more about the Civil War.

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Battle of Franklin: Five Hours in the Valley of Death depicts Confederate General John Bell Hood s fateful attempt to gain control of Tennessee from Federal forces in one of the Civil War s fiercest battles. As cannons and muskets roar, this film presents the decisive conflict of the 1864 Battle of Franklin, told through the actual thoughts and words of the soldiers who experienced this ferocious and bloody struggle. Partially filmed on the original battlefield in stunning high-definition, Battle of Franklin is the recipient of a 2007 Emmy award and a 2007 Telly Award. The film has aired locally on Nashville Public Television.

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