The Tide of Life Review

The Tide of Life
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This three-part miniseries is based on the book written by Catherine Cookson: it tells the story of housemaid, Emily Kennedy, who's ups and downs through life are followed in great detail, as she begins as a complete innocent, and must learn about men and their "ways". It's the story of life, love, and experience for one young woman who is forced to mature quickly as she learns hard truths about how fragile life is and how fickle men can be.
For those of you worried about content: be aware that this film is like a period drama soap opera! There are instances of violence, scenes of adultery and premarital sex (although some inferred, some bits shown), an unmarried couple living together, cruelty, etc.
All in all, it was fairly well done, well filmed and entertaining: just be aware that the storyline is not family-friendly: if you are a die-hard period film lover like me, you will want to watch it anyways, to learn more about the time period. This story focusing on a housemaid gives a much different perspective on life in those times, than if it focused on the grandeur and ease of the upper class: that alone made this film a great peek into the lives of the "normal" people of this era.

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