The Horror of Hammer (2001) Review

The Horror of Hammer (2001)
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I got excited when I read about this coming out, but my enthusiasm cooled when I screened the final product. These Hammer trailers and featurettes have been around for a long time on bootleg and independent VHS releases, and most die hard fans already own them in that format. The big drawback has of course been the quality of the transfers; unfortunately, All Day's release does nothing to correct that . . . in fact it appears they've used some of these sources for the DVD. Almost all are fuzzy or faded, and in a few cases you can hear the hi-fi mistracking noise from the VHS source! Although it wouldn't be fair to expect the pristine quality Anchor Bay's promotional Hammer trailer DVD release had (since they had original film elements to work from) All Day should have made a little more effort to find collectors with film sources and re-transfer these trailers for a cleaner and professional end product. The disc is better than nothing, and if you don't have them already at least this release gives you a historical overview of Hammer. Still, a big dissappointment.

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