Starquest: The Odyssey Review

Starquest: The Odyssey
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MAVERICK ENTERTAINMENT has really improved their special effects of late. Unfortunately, the rest of the parts of their "films" continue to be worse than what you see high school students produce. In this "epic", a crew of 7 (the unshaven captain, his ex-wife the doctor, a Sulu wannabee, his wannabee girl friend, Wolfman Jack the Klingon, some armed Klingon psycho who keeps shooting up the ship, and some bald white guy who only shows up on the ship when the other 6 are busy elsewhere) pilot a thousand foot long space ship on a trip to contact the living oil well that controls all life. After they do this, they have a cliff-hanger ending. Just so the audience gets what's going on, STAR TREK lettering is used for all of the credits. Obvioudly the start of a franchise..

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