Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972) Review

Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972)
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This is probably one of the few films I've seen recently to really surprise me. I had heard a few things about the film before seeing it, and the scattered details I had picked it up made it sound like standard Japanese exploitation - stylish, violent and misogynistic. All the elements are present in the film for this sort of product - a couple of rape scenes, the torture and abuse of women, a few moments of sadistic gore. Yet, despite these elements, this film is actually explicitly feminist in its outlook (very surprising for a Japanese exploitation film!), and is oddly lyrical and poetic for much of its length. There are few films that one could describe as being simultaneously brutal, sleazy, beautiful, absurd and emotionally affecting - "Female Scorpion" manages the rare feat of producing this strange alchemy. Definitely worth seeing for fans of Japanese filmmaking.

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An absolutely phenomenal surrealist-cum-exploitation picture, "Female Convict Scorpion--Jailhouse 41" is the second in a series of films about Matsu (known to her fellow inmates as "Scorpion"), a diminutive but volatile woman who is wrongly sent to prison by a betraying boyfriend. Incredibly satisfying and spectacularly photographed, these women's prison pictures feature an anti-heroine who is beautiful, strong, principled and basically honorable and decent--especially when compared to everyone around her. One of the truly genuine masterpieces of violent 1970s cinema, "Female Convict Scorpion--Jailhouse 41" is, in its own way, as subversive as Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg's "Performance," John Boorman's "Point Blank" and Jean-Luc Godard's "Weekend."

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