Caillou's Holiday Movie (2003) Review

Caillou's Holiday Movie (2003)
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Looking at "Caillou's Holiday Movie," it's obvious that the staff of the show was going for someting a little different. Stories in the show itself are only an average of five minutes long, but this is a full ninety-minute presentation.
The writers and animators seem to have been successful and the result is a great story with beautiful musical interludes that kids will enjoy watching. There's a lot to be learned about holiday traditions from around the world, much of it coming from a twelve days of Christmas calendar that Caillou receives as present from Daddy. Although there are no puppet segments, most of the best characters are present in the story, including some favorite guest characters that are nice references to past stories. Fans of Rosie will also enjoy the movie and the special way in which she surprises everyone in Caillou's family.
If buying the DVD, note that while the story is good, the special features really aren't much to cheer about. The Caillou interview bonus doesn't actually relate to the movie, but is actually more of a cute filler segment in which Sarah attempts an interview with Caillou for her school, but can't get straight answers out of Caillou and then experiences technical difficulties. The "singalongs" are simply cut from the movie, they don't even have lyrics at the bottom of the screen or close-captioning to follow along. Finally, the promotion of "six Caillou challenges" is somewhat miselading. There are a two games including, each with three levels, for a total of six "challenges."

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Caillou's First Full-Length Animated Movie! When winter comes to Caillou's house, this curious 4-year-old tackles all kinds of big boy activities like helping Daddy shovel snow, making holiday presents for his family and even discovering the traditions of other little boys and girls around the world! And when Caillou learns about the spirit of the holidays, your little one will follow right along! Kids love Caillou for his real-world perspective on the life of a preschooler. Moms love Caillou for being a friend with whom their children can identify. Filled with the excitement and anticipation of holiday happenings, kids of all ages will love celebrating the season with Caillou! More than 90 minutes of frosty fun and eight all-new songs, too!DVD Features:Challenges:Six Caillou challengesInterviews:Animated interview with CaillouOther:Two holiday songs; 'Twas the Night Before Christmas story

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The Adventures of Indiana Jones: The Complete DVD Movie Collection (Full Screen Edition) (1984) Review

The Adventures of Indiana Jones: The Complete DVD Movie Collection (Full Screen Edition) (1984)
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George Lucas produced something other than Star Wars? The younger crowd may not be aware of this, but anyone like me growing up in the 70's -80's would. The answer: Absolutely! (We can forget & forgive his mid-80's mistake "Howard the Duck.")
This collaborative effort from Steven Spielberg & George Lucas brought new life into the action genre. It is equally important to remember that the films also propelled Harrison Ford from Star Wars's loveable "scoundrel" to a silver screen staple. Here is my take on the series so far (barring Indiana Jones 4 which is on & off...hopefully off due to Ford's age and the closure in "Last Crusade.")
Raiders of the Lost Ark:
From the intro Paramount logo shifting into a real mountain, to the mishaps in recovering the golden idol from the temple, "Raiders" pretty much set a tone for what was to come -action. What it brought in after the opening sequence is something not often seen in action movies -story. Not just story, mind you, but intelligent story (dispelling the myth that audiences are stupid.) It is an awkward sight to see Jones transformed from the adventurer to the lecturer, until he is told of The Ark of the Covenant -supposedly holding The Ten Commandments and a source of ultimate power -and chases after it. The rest & former are long embedded in film history. The Nazi's are after it as well and Jones has the fight of his life.
Interesting points:
The beautiful Karen Allen (Starman) portrays Marion (who I personally would like to have seen resurface in later films) and the rolling boulder (reminiscent of the asteroid thundering through a starship in 1979's B-movie "The Black Hole.")
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom:
For me, this was the oddball movie. Jones saves child-slaves from an evil cult. That's about as well as I can sum it up. It fails its predecessor and succumbs to mediocre "sequel fever." I don't expect everyone to share my view, nor do I want you to. All-in-all, it's a high action flick and will pass some time well, even with the miscast future Mrs. Spielberg -Kate Capshaw (Space Camp).
Interesting points:
The chase through the mine is an exciting thrill-ride and the tension of bridge scene afterwards makes up for the lower points of this movie.
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade:
To place this movie alongside the first would be justice served. Here is the return of the intelligent story and type of action/drama mix that resurged the Jones Saga. It opens with young Indiana Jones (River Phoenix, "The Mosquito Coast") stealing a lost artifact from a band of robbers. Ultimately, he is too young to thwart them; however it reveals the character of Jones from an early age and introduces his father, Henry (Sean Connery). Now, fast forward to the Jones we have come to know and Jones is trying to find his father who went searching for the Holy Grail. The movie is a whirlwind trip through Biblical History and pure adrenaline pumped action. The chemistry between Ford & Connery shines throughout the exotic locations and explosions providing comic relief as much as back-story. I can't say enough about this film, so I will stop here.
Interesting points:
So much is revealed in this movie, from the origin of the name "Indiana," to the deepest parts of each character (something rarely seen in films -character depth.)
DVD Extras:
Fortunate enough to have seen it (and I admit I'm not that much of a fan of these DVD revelations on the making's of the movie because it oftentimes destroys the fantasy of it all) I have to bend and tell you it is worth it. The original trailers are laughable (they weren't at the time the movie came out and I mean that in no disrespectful way) and a trip down Nostalgia Lane. One thing that sets this apart is that the documentary is not boring. Most are in DVD Extra-discs (probably because new movies have no real history -save maybe for The Matrix.)
Final Note:
For the cost, quality (remastered, et al.,) this is one box set that I am happy to comment on and also, one that I believe was done right and released right. (Check out other trilogy box-sets, which I won't name here, and you'll find so many versions and "Director's Cuts" that you'll be baffled at what to buy. This set is complete...plain & simple. Enjoy

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What I Did For Love Review

What I Did For Love
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I originally saw this movie on hallmark and thoroughly enjoyed it. The story is sweet and any gal that has ever brought home a guy that didn't quite fit her dad's perfect image for her will relate with all the "hoops" the guy in this film jumps through to try to please his prospective father-in-law. I found it offered both humor and an endearing quality with what this guy was willing to do for his love. Probably is more a gal movie but if you like the farm, hunting, or the outdoors you might enjoy it as well. In a time where a nice romance seems harder to find...this is a keeper! Just don't expect a big blockbuster movie frill budget effects with the male and female actors of the moment and you'll enjoy it.

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Item Name: What I Did For Love; Studio:Echo Bridge Home Entertainment

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Earth: The Biography (2008) Review

Earth: The Biography (2008)
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Is it as good as Planet Earth? No. This documentary series doesn't a never-ending overabundance of brilliant imagery. But don't let that dissuade you. If it wasn't for "Planet Earth" everyone would be raving about this set. Because though its visuals aren't always as stunning as that excellent series -- sometimes the screen shows just a guy or two talking in front of a washed out sky -- overall "Earth: The Biography" is just as interesting and at times even more informative. The special effects are good, too.
Generally, I'd say this set is great for anyone with even a passing interest in geology, at least if they're over, say, 8.
These are the same shows that recently aired on the National Geographic Channel. There are no bonus features.
Disc 1 has three shows, "Volcanoes," "Atmosphere" and "Ice." Disc 2 adds "Oceans" and "Rare Earth." Each of the first four explains how that particular system works, as well as what happens when it's messed with.
The last show examines a theory that says simple life may actually be common on other planets, but complex life -- i.e., animal life -- requires such a complex sequence of events that we'll never find another human-like population. It goes on to examine how humans are damaging the planet. Did you know each year people cut down enough forest to cover the state of South Carolina?
Everything is presented with plenty of objective, scientific information.
My favorite show is the first one, since it includes the formation of Earth. Did you know scientists think our planet once had a twin? Or that the moon is drifting away from us?
Though the narrator, Dr. Iain Stewart, speaks in a Scottish brogue, I didn't have any trouble understanding him. He's calm and articulate.
By the way, you can't help but be reminded of "Planet Earth" as you watch this. A commercial for it is actually the first thing that comes up when you pop in Disc 1.
Besides "Planet Earth," I'd recommend pairing this up with An Inconvenient Truth. Or a trip to go see Wall-E.

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This landmark series uses specialist imaging and compelling narrative to tell the life story of our planet, how it works, and what makes it so special. Examining the great forces that shape the Earth - volcanoes, the ocean, the atmosphere and ice - the programme explores their central roles in our planet's story. How do these forces affect the Earth's landscape, its climate, and its history? CGI gives the audience a ringside seat at these great events, while the final episode brings together all the themes of the series and argues that Earth is an exceptionally rare kind of planet - giving us a special responsibility to look after our unique world. This is a series that shows the Earth in new and surprising ways. Extensive use of satellite imagery reveals new views of our planet, while timelapse filmed over many months brings the planet to life. Offering a balance between dramatic visuals and illuminating facts, this ground-breaking series makes global science truly compelling.

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Scooby-Doo: Winter Wonderdog (2010) Review

Scooby-Doo: Winter Wonderdog (2010)
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Why continue to mix up episodes to appeal to kiddies? Fans of the generation are the ones who are spending money on these DVDs and duplication of episodes, inclusion of Scrappy episodes and jumping between seasons just doesn't cut it. As has been said, I've seen That's Snow Ghost on 3 of the compilation DVDs. And please don't continue to call previews for other scooby videos "special features!" Bring out a decent cult DVD!

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Celebrate the season Scooby-Doo style as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang face off against festive frights, frosty nights, and - jeepers - the ghost of Christmas, who wants to wish everyone a scary Christmas! In this collection of cold-weather capers, Scooby-Doo and the gang unwrap a series of mysteries in order to stop a group of chilling crooks from stealing the spirits of the season!DVD Features:DVD ROM Features:Enhanced features for your DVD-ROM PCDVD ROM exclusive web site:Web events, web site/chat room accessInteractive MenusMusic Video:Christmas With the Monsters; Scrappy-DooOther:Scooby-Doo's Winter Vacation Game; Get the Picture: How To Draw Scooby-Doo; Get the Picture: How To Draw the Mystery Inc. gangScene AccessTheatrical Trailer:Trailers of other Scooby-Doo and family favorite videos

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Pitbulls In A Skirt-THE MOVIE Review

Pitbulls In A Skirt-THE MOVIE
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Pitbull in a skirt 1,2 and 3 were so good I cant wait until 4 comes out and now hearing about the movie omg can't wait so excited....

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The Last Brickmaker In America (2001) Review

The Last Brickmaker In America (2001)
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The Last Brickmaker in America, starring Sidney Poitier, is a great family movie. Poitier gives a strong performance as Henry Cobb, an elderly gentleman suffering from the recent loss of his wife and ready to give up his brick making business. He meets Danny, a troubled 13 year old, and the two click. As Danny helps Henry make bricks and Henry helps Danny realize what is important in life, they both change.
This is one of those movies that make you feel good, and makes you wish problems in life could always have such happy endings. I highly recommend this movie for everyone who likes good family films. You won't be disappointed.
Poitier has been a favorite of mine ever since I saw him in his Academy Award winning performance in Lilies of the Field in 1963. I felt that I really got to know him when I read his autobiography, The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography (Oprah's Book Club)and I recommend it to anyone interested in learning about Poitier.

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Item Name: The Last Brickmaker In America; Studio:Hannover House

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Circle of Friends (1995) Review

Circle of Friends (1995)
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Set in post-World War II Ireland, namely the late 1940's and late 50's, Circle Of Friends tells of three girls, Eve, who was raised in a convent because her parents died, the stunning Nan Mahon, and the plain but pleasant and charming Benny Hogan, who's father is the local tailor. She narrates the film from time to time, and Minnie Driver's charming voice aids in what's quite a charming little movie about being sure of and true to oneself despite changes.
The three go to the college in Dublin, attend classes, and go back on the 10 past 6 bus to the village. In an anthropology class, she learns of an obscure tribe and their culture, one of which is that men and women mingle freely without shame or guilt, a contrast to the repressive Catholic upbringing the girls have. But this learning also parallels her meeting Jack Foley, a handsome blonde with blue eyes and a nice smile. She's quite taken when he asks her out to a dance, only to be gradually disillusioned when he doesn't as time goes on. When he finally does ask her, she tells him that she doesn't like being messed about, but further that despite being a rhinoceros, a reference to her perceived bigness, she has a thin skin. She is heartened that he feels comfortable talking to her honestly. He sees that she's all there, more grounded, sure of herself. In contrast, Jack wants to play rugby but is going for the medical program because of his father's wishes and despite the fact that he faints at the sight of blood. Through her interactions, she learns that she is capable of being loved and to love, but she never goes all the way. Jack indeed is a preferable pick from the oily Sean Walsh, an employee of Mr. Hogan's shop who aspires to be a partner, but also wants to marry Benny. It's further his dream to run the shop when Mr. Hogan retires. However, Benny is quite turned off by Sean, much to her parents' disappointment. This learning at school is making her self-aware, and she's made up her mind who she wants to marry, should she do so. What's the point of learning all that knowledge, only to go back to her little village and be a good little wife, something also explored in the later Mona Lisa Smile.
The divide between Protestants and Catholics is seen here in the form of Simon Westward, a member of the landowning family who wants to marry the right girl. That is what Nan is looking for, a real man, seeing her peers as just boys, as tryouts. Things don't go the way she plans, leading her to disrupt Benny and Jack.
It's easy to see why Minnie Driver became a star. As the shy, hopeful, intelligent, and sensitive Benny, she's a fresh face. And she's unique with that slightly wide face of hers, She is mostly seen without much makeup, and she still looks wonderful, and with that accent and beaming countenance, totally believable as a daughter of the Emerald Isle. I'd definitely go for someone like her. Geraldine O'Rawe lends strong support as Eve, who turns out to be more loyal and true to Benny. Chris O'Donnell also gets a thumbs up as Jack, a likeable enough person, less sure of himself, well-meaning, but with a few failings.
As in all the other films I've seen him in, Alan Cumming (Sean) is another slimy, lizard-like, fawning toadie (Titus, Spiceworld, Eyes Wide Shut). He is a bit pathetic with his greasy black hair and sickly smile, but he's a character to be reviled as time goes on.
With a nice closing song, "You're The One," sung by Maire Brennan and Shane McGowan, Circle Of Friends is a film that doesn't go for the predictable drama of most romance movies. No, this is a movie that's all there.

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Three girlhood friends now at college share first loves, first kisses and first betrayals. At the center of it all is the best-looking boy on campus. Can a self-conscious dreamer hook the biggest fish in the pond? ' 'A marvelous romantic comedy' ' (Siskel & Ebert)

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King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962) Review

King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962)
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Save your money, Godzilla fans. This is a mediocre DVD effort by Universal. The print is a nice copy, and it looks good. That's the only positives I'll give it. I've been spoiled by the wonderful Toho Master Collection releases by Classic Media over the last few years. Those movies include both the original Japanese version and the American theatrical release, along with some interesting still galleries, trailers, and insightful commentaries.
This DVD only includes the American version, which is hugely disappointing. Even worse, this is a no-frills DVD. No special features, no expert commentary, no nothing. The menu is "Watch Movie" "Languages" and "Scene Selections". Nothing else. I pre-ordered this one on the hopes that perhaps it was mis-labeled at Amazon. Sadly, it isn't.
I would have gladly paid a few extra dollars for a decent DVD of this film which included all the aforementioned content. Only buy this one if you really, really want a nice looking DVD copy of the American version and nothing else.

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Black Sunday (1977) Review

Black Sunday (1977)
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John Frankenheimer is an excellent action director. In Black Sunday he directs a thrilling story of terrorists trying to blow up the Superbowl with a blimp full of lethal darts. Bruce Dern is great as the bitter blimp pilot who throws his lot with Martha Keller, a Palistinian, who just barely keeps Dern from cracking up. Robert Shaw is excellent as the Iraeli agent tracking down the villians, from the first roots in the Middle East, leading eventually to America, and terminating in a showdown at the Superbowl.The action is good and the actors are well directed by Frankenheimer, who of course did the immortal "Manchurian Candidate," and pilots this action film to a smashing climax. Even after first seeing this movie, I am still haunted by Dern's sad portrait of a broken man and the horrific experiment he performs on an unsuspecting man of his exploding darts that make hamburger out of the man posing for what he thinks is a strange camera. A good example of Frankenheimer's style and art of direction.

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No Description Available.Genre: Feature Film-Action/AdventureRating: RRelease Date: 1-MAR-2004Media Type: DVD

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Second Chances Review

Second Chances
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Hello I am 9 years old! And this movie is defintly for horse lovers in my age range! I saw it on tv and wanted it so bad!! I kept on looking for it and now is my victory!! It's about a girl who hurts her leg and moves to a moter home after her dad and her are in a car crash and she's hurt on her leg and the dad died! She found that there was a horse farm behind her house!! then she gets in a pen with a horse that nobody can handle ! The horse rears!(remeber she is on a crutch from her leg). The guy says get out kid you'll die from her!! Than the horse stops rearing and LET"S HER PET HER! It was a mericale! I cannot tell you the rest beacuse it will take away the suprise but I want to thank everyone who made and put this on tv! I loved it so much! I cannot tell you how much!! So I hope Sunny(the girl or acter) get's to live a horsey life! And ginger the horse live's long!!
Thanx a million! This is succcccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh a ggggrrreeaattt mmoovviiee!!
It brought me (a girl) and my brother come to sad and happy tears! It's a real tearpuller!!

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Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings - The Complete 1st Season Review

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings - The Complete 1st Season
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Based on the world of the Sengoku Basara videogames which are [loosely] based on the infamous Sengoku Period in Japanese history, Sengoku Basara is a mish-mash of explosive action, slapstick comedy, and romance caught in a whirlwind war for supremacy. In the words of a reviewer on ANN, it's "JAPANESE HISTORY MAXIMUM". And I loved every second of it.

While the Japanese audience are very familiar with the Sengoku period and its many players, us foreigners might have a bit of a rough time recognizing the famous samurai and battles that pepper the Sengoku Basara universe. With a large cast, SB works quickly to familiarize viewers with the varied generals and their respective heavily-named territories, focusing especially on Masamune Date, the Big Boss of Oshu [an utter badass] and Lord Shingen and his (servant? protege?) Yukimura Sanada of the Takeda Clan. Main villain Oda Nobunaga (he has one HELL of a theme song) explodes onto the scene in episode 2 leaving a wake of blood, fire and lightning in his path and forcing the generals of Japan into a somewhat uneasy alliance to try and take him down. I don't want to give away too much, but essentially the series revolves around the east, west, and Nobunaga fighting eachother. While this seems like moody and heavy stuff, SB manages to balance its relatively dark material with hilarious character interaction (I never get tired of Shingen punching the hell out of Yukimura), stirring drama and a refreshingly modern sensibility. Fans of the series (or of the sengoku period) will be able to follow the series kinetic pace easily as it reflects the games' pace, however new-comers to the series may be lost in a swirling vortex: utterly confused but dazzled at the same time. While prior knowledge is not necessary to enjoy the show, it certainly helps to know who the characters are ahead of time, else you'll be confused just who that old guy bein shot on the beach is [Yoshihiro Shimazu, if anyone is wondering].
While there are a lot of them, luckily each is easily recognizable due to interesting character design and memorable personalities. You'll definitely find a handful of characters that you just adore, and even the ones you don't like very much have some worthy quality to them that makes them intriguing. Each character has a signature style and the voice actors portray their roles exceptionally well. The generals are utterly over the top in terms of fighting strength (they blow up MOUNTAINS) but it is just so much fun to watch and seems believable within the context of the universe. There are some inside jokes about the characters that pop-up that might not be recognizable to an audience not familiar with the Sengoku Period, but a quick trip to wikipedia fixes that up in a jiffy.
I ordered the Blu-Ray and WOW does this series look good! Almost movie-quality animation that is awe-inspiring to behold, particularly the lightning fast fight scenes that roar off the screen. Simply gorgeous!!
Epic pulse-pounding rock music and war drums is this series bread and butter, and it serves well to the overall intense atmosphere and adds a dramatic flourish to the fight scenes. The OP and the ED fit the mood of the show and, I daresay, make your spirit soar with passion!! hell yeah! PUT YA GUNS ON!!!
Final Verdict:
Great for hardcore anime vets, great for fighting game fans, fans of samurai or Japanese history, fans of giant robots (yes, there is a giant robot character), great for even non-anime fans who need a gateway drug- man, this show is awesome. A fantastic choice for a viewing in an anime club or just about anywhere. While newbies to the show may be confused story-wise, but the story is not the main focus of the show: awesomeness is. No matter who watches it, you'll find something to like about SB. And for 35$? You can't go wrong people!! BUY IT.

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Based on the brutal world created by the masters at Capcom.
Sengoku Basara drops you directly into the burning battlefields of feudal Japan, where rival warlords hack and slash their way to total domination. Each conqueror wields a special attack that boosts their powers of devastation, and each commands a horde of relentless warriors. But when a supreme evil - the Demon Lord - threatens the land, these fierce generals launch a co-op campaign of annihilation and build an army of armies to obliterate their common foe. As the front line grows crowded with gun-toting, mechanized samurai and mystical ninja, some will say that war is hell - Sengoku Basara proves it can also be kick ass.

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The Exorcist III (1990) Review

The Exorcist III (1990)
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From the eerie opening dream sequence, I was drawn into this film by William Peter Blatty's great screenplay (based on his book, Legion) and confident directing. He deftly blends elements of mystery and horror together to create an atmosphere of evil that is both subtle at times and shocking at others. And just as William Friedkin did in the orginal Exorcist, the employment of auditory stimuli are used in a way that get under your skin and stay there.
The plot revolves around Detective Bill Kinderman--played this time by the great George C. Scott--trying to solve a series of gruesome murders that seem to somehow be related to the exorcism of Regan MacNeil 17 years ago. The story is allowed to develop at a relaxed pace, and will keep you guessing as to what's happening and why. But as it continues to unfold, Kinderman's faith in God, which he admits that he doesn't have much of, and his own sanity are tested by an ungodly force that he can't begin to comprehend. Blatty takes all the things we believe in and comfort us--faith in God, religious symbols, and Good over Evil--and tries to eradicate them right in front of our eyes and make us question our own comfortable reality.
Overall, there are many scenes that will bring you right out of your seat because they are so damn scary. The few parts with Kinderman interrogating the Gemini killer (Brad Dourif) are also very intense, and are a rare glimpse into the mind of a sick killer. One problem I had with the film is that the ending seemed a little too predictable and rushed, but in conclusion does not detract from the overall strength of the film that much. If you appreciate intelligent horror films (yes, there are some of them around), you should see this well-made film.

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Brooklyn's Finest (2010) Review

Brooklyn's Finest (2010)
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"Brooklyn's Finest" is a remarkably entertaining and well-acted police drama from director Antoine Fuqua, who also directed the also outstanding police drama, "Training Day."
The film focuses on three very different Brooklyn cops over the course of a week. Richard Gere plays Eddie, a hardened veteran just a week away from retirement. He has nightmares, he's separated from his wife, and he's just biding his time until his retirement. Ethan Hawke, the hero of "Training Day, plays a narcotics detective desperate to finance a new home to give a better life to his wife, children, and twins on the way. Don Cheadle plays Tango, an undercover cop, who is so deep undercover that he forgets who he really is, and to make matters worse, he now has to setup a high-level drug dealer who saved his life while he was undercover in prison.
These examples of Brooklyn's Finest are all living on the edge, and they all go over the edge one way or another. The acting from these three is superb. Their performances along with Wesley Snipes as the drug dealer, Brian F. O'Byrne as Hawkes' best friend and partner, Shannon Kane as Eddie's hooker with a heart of gold, and a number of others, make this a very enjoyable, but powerfully sad and tragic film.

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Something of a genre homecoming, Antoine Fuqua's latest film once again finds him delving into the gritty, brutal realm of cops and crooks—as he did in Training Day. Tango is an undercover officer on a narcotics detail that forces him to choose between duty and friendship. Having been to hell and back, he wants out, but the powers that be won't let him quit. Family-man Sal is a detective tempted by greed and corruption. He can barely make ends meet, and now his wife has an illness that threatens the life of their unborn twins. Eddie is nearing retirement age and has long since lost his dedication to his job as a cop. He wakes up every morning trying to come up with a reason to go on living...and he can't think of one. Fate brings the three men to the same Brooklyn housing project as each takes the law into his own hands. Crosscutting between multiple subplots, Brooklyn's Finest unfolds violently and passionately as coiled, constantly roving cinematography contributes a measure of unease to the underworld action.

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Colossus - The Forbin Project (2010) Review

Colossus - The Forbin Project (2010)
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I got a chance to see an advance copy of this today, and to my disappointment, this DVD is a so-called "Full Frame" transfer (in other terms, Pan & Scan).
Colossus: The Forbin Project was shot in 2.35:1 (I have it on laser disc in widescreen) so you will be losing more than half of the image on this version.
What a shame! This is a classic SF movie, and it deserves to be seen as it was photographed. Sure, the price is low, but when you don't get the real film, so what? In any case, it may be reissued some day with in the special edition form it deserves, and then you'll have to buy it again. Purchase not recommended.
"No widescreen, no sale!"

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The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (The Friendship Edition) (1977) Review

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (The Friendship Edition) (1977)
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Despite new packaging and a hokey new subtitle, this release of Disney's original three Winnie the Pooh featurettes is actually identical to the 2002 "25th Anniversary Edition" -- same video, same audio, same bonus features. And for once, that's good! That earlier DVD transfer was already digitally restored and had some good extras, including "A Day for Eeyore" and one of Disney's better making-of documentaries, but was pulled off the shelves early last year. Now, however, it's back, with the same vibrant colors, sharp focus and near-perfect 5.1 soundtrack.
In other words, this is Disney at its best. "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" is a charming, gentle, quality film that hasn't aged a bit and looks and sounds terrific. Unless you already own the "25th Anniversary Edition," this new release is a must.
Actually, there is one new bonus feature: an episode of the computer-animated Disney Channel series, "My Friends Tigger and Pooh." In case you haven't seen it, it adds two new characters to the story: Darby, a 6-year-old girl, and her dog Buster.

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The never-ending friendship that has delighted generations now has something new to celebrate!The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh, Pooh's first and most beloved feature film, is now available in the new Friendship Edition – with new bonus content including the first episode from the new TV series My Friends Tigger & Pooh.This Academy Award® winning animated classic tells the tale of the first, unforgettable meeting between Tigger and Pooh.Your family will laugh along when Pooh gets stuck in Rabbit's house from eating too much honey and the lovable characters' flurry of hilarious activity on a windy day.These timeless adventures are brought to life through extraordinary Disney animation and engaging songs, such as "Little Black Rain Cloud" and "Rumbly In My Tumbly.""Three Cheers For ‘Winnie The Pooh'!Exactly Right – Wistful, Sprightly And Often Hilarious," raves The New York Times about the perfect first story for every child.Make sure your family has this beloved classic film in your collection so it can inspire the childlike imaginations of fans of all ages.

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Myrna Loy and William Powell Collection (Manhattan Melodrama / Evelyn Prentice / Double Wedding / I Love You Again / Love Crazy) (1941) Review

Myrna Loy and William Powell Collection (Manhattan Melodrama / Evelyn Prentice / Double Wedding / I Love You Again / Love Crazy) (1941)
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This collection contains five titles currently not on DVD that were made starring the famous duo during the same time frame as their "Thin Man" series. With the exception of 1947's "The Senator was Indiscreet", this puts all of the Loy/Powell films on DVD. The extras described below are from a press release from Warner Home Video. The biggest let-down about this set is the lack of commentary for any of the films, but Warner probably figures with the amount of documentary material they put in the Thin Man Boxed Set, they would just be going over old territory. The films, in chronological order, are as follows:
Manhattan Melodrama (1934)
This is more of a movie with Powell and Loy than one about them as a couple. The focus is more on Clark Gable and William Powell, who play two orphans who grow up together but wind up on opposite sides of the law. Myrna Loy plays the woman that both characters love. Gable plays the gangster in this film, Powell the guy who goes up the political ladder. The melodramatic part is that as D.A. Powell's character wins a conviction against Gable's character, and as a result he is sentenced to death. Later, as governor, Powell must decide whether or not to commute his childhood friend's sentence. Powell is very good here at playing a more serious role.
Special Features:
· Comedy short "Goofy Movies #2"
· Classic cartoon "The Old Pioneer"
· Theatrical trailer
· Subtitles: English & French (feature film only)
Evelyn Prentice (1934)
This one seems to miss a step as far as plot holes go, but it is still above average. Powell plays a defense attorney who is also part detective, and whose heavy-duty work habits cause him to neglect his wife, played by Loy in the title role. As a result of this neglect, Loy commits an indiscretion with a playboy and ultimately figures into her husband's next big murder case.
Special Features:
· Comedy short "Goofy Movies #3"
· Classic cartoon "Discontented Canary"
· Theatrical trailer
· Subtitles: English & French (feature film only)
Double Wedding (1937)
This is a different kind of film for Powell and Loy. Loy plays high-powered businesswoman Margit Agnew who is unhappy to learn that her little sister is planning to marry vagabond Charlie Lodge (William Powell) who, since he lives in a trailer, is hardly in a position to support her. Margit tries to intervene, and in the end winds up with Lodge herself. The plot is thin, but the comedy is very good. This film was shot partly before and after the death of Jean Harlow, who was Powell's lover and Loy's good friend. Filming was suspended for awhile due to the tragedy.
Special Features:
· Musical short "Dancing on the Ceiling"
· Classic cartoon "The Hound and the Rabbit"
· Theatrical trailer
· Subtitles: English & French (feature film only)
I Love You Again (1940)
My favorite non-Thin Man Loy and Powell movie and showcases everything that is great about the chemistry the two had on screen. Powell plays stuffy and rich Larry Wilson, who, after a blow to the head, realizes he is actually confidence man George Carey. Wilson is just some alternate identity he assumed after he first got amnesia nine years before. Realizing he has a sweet deal in his wealthy second identity, Carey decides to clean out Wilson's finances and leave town. However, when Carey meets Wilson's estranged wife, played by Loy, he falls for her and decides to hang around long enough to win her back.
Special Features:
· Crime Doesn't Pay Series short "Jackpot"
· Classic cartoon "Tom Turkey and His Harmonica Humdingers"
· Theatrical trailer
· Subtitles: English & French (feature film only)
Love Crazy (1941)
Another excellent entry in the Loy and Powell series of movies. After four years of marriage, Stephen Ireland (William Powell) runs into an old girlfriend that lives nearby. The two end up just talking, but a series of comic misadventures cause Stephen's wife, Susan (Myrna Loy), to believe Stephen is cheating on her and she decides to divorce Stephen. Desperate to keep Susan, Stephen decides to pretend he is not in his right mind to draw things out. He does such a good job that everyone believes him - except his wife. There is some great physical comedy here by Powell.
Special Features:
· Classic cartoon "The Alley Cat"
· Audio-only bonus: Screen Directors Guild Playhouse Radio Broadcast
· Theatrical trailer
· Subtitles: English & French (feature film only)

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Click here for more information about Myrna Loy and William Powell Collection (Manhattan Melodrama / Evelyn Prentice / Double Wedding / I Love You Again / Love Crazy) (1941)