Barney: The Land Of Make Believe (2005) Review

Barney: The Land Of Make Believe (2005)
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This may very well be the best Barney movie ever!
As a granddad, I've seen quite a lot of the big purple dinosaur's videos, although I've never really considered myself an avid fan. However, if "The Land of Make Believe" is a sign of things to come, I'll look forward to more. My grandchildren love this video!
In "Land of Make Believe" Barney and his cohorts are on a quest that is fast moving and very colorful, with a delightfully engaging set of "Make Believe" characters (a giant, mermaid, magician, etc.) and some nifty special effects. The kids accompanying Barney and his crew are cute without being saccharine and there is an assortment of catchy songs and dances performed by all the characters. A few of the tunes are Barney classics, but others are new and very clever. Don't be surprised if you hear your little one suddenly start singing a song or two from this video (not surprisingly, I just noticed that Amazon also has the soundtrack CD available).
Of course, the adventures of Barney and his dinosaur friends, BJ and Baby Bop, are targeted to the very young, but "Land of Make Believe" is the first Barney video I can recall that includes some wry humor that adults can appreciate.
Something tells me I'll be watching "Land of Make Believe" for some time to come (you know how little ones want to watch their favorite shows over and over and over). In just a few days, "Land of Make Believe" has become a mainstay in our household. I am finally beginning to understand why Public Television has long considered Barney & Friends to be positive programming for tots. Enjoy!
NOTE: I also discovered that the local "TOYS R US" already has it for sale...but if you can wait a few days, the prices at Amazon are better!

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