Miracle Dogs Review

Miracle Dogs
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The combination of the little boy with these puppies was enough to make me shed a tear. I bought this movie for my 9-year old son, thinking that he may be almost too old for a traditional "family film". But he loved it as much as I did! The story starts with a family that has just moved to a new city, and they are all trying to adjust to a new neighborhood, new jobs, new friends, etc. Desperate for some companionship, the little boy (Charlie) befriends a three-legged dog, whose leg was removed after the vet discovered cancer, and her litter of puppies. Charlie goes on a quest to find homes for the puppies and their mother before the local animal shelter learns about the homeless dogs. While temporarily housing them in the basement of the hospital, the dogs escape and patients in the hospital begin to get well at an inexplicable rate. The dogs don't have super powers, and the film doesn't have an overtly religious theme. But there is a good message about family and love and loyalty. I highly recommend it to anyone, with or without children.

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