It's Potty Time (1991) Review

It's Potty Time  (1991)
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These are the words that finally got my 4 year old to use the potty.
She had been potty trained since she was 2 and 1/2 but adamently refused to do No.2 on the potty. She never had any accidents day or night, and would go get pulls up, put them on and go. (I know, your saying stop buying them) but, if she did not have them she would hold it, which would result in another trip to the doctor.
After watching the video for only 3 days, she has been using the potty everyday for a week without any problems. She is so proud of herself, as are we.
This is the video to buy if you have a very smart, but headstrong only child. Now I can put all the money that I would have spent on pull-ups in the college fund.
Its amazing how a child can learn from singing rhyming songs and watching a video. Its the best!

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It's Potty Time Is Not For Parents.It was designed for children in order to take as much work off the parents as possible. Children should begin watching this video as soon asthey watch TV.They will not potty train at this time, but they will learn the songs and sing them all the time.When their bodies are ready, usually between 18 & 24 months, they begin to understand the songs they have been singing and quickly translate the words into action.In no time at all they develop proper bathroom etiquette.

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