To Paint or Make Love Review

To Paint or Make Love
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It took FOREVER to receive this movie from the seller but almost 2 months later it finally arrived. I was hoping since Daniel Auteuil was in this movie that it would be good...but's a movie about swingers. There wasn't a lot of information about the plot of the film but this is not a typical French movie like "Le Placard" (The Closet) or "Apre Vous". The first half of the movie went okay I guess but the characters always looked uncomfortable. Then all of a sudden Daniel's wife goes upstairs with Adam (the husband from the other couple)?! It came totally out of nowhere. The next 15 minutes left me totally confused. Once I figured out they turned out to be swingers it made sense but then the rest of the movie just movement of plot, no drama, no comedy...nothing. And then all of a sudden the movie is over. It was a waste of some good talent and money and time I spent waiting for this film. Don't bother with this one.

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