Jackie Chan Kung Fu Master Review

Jackie Chan Kung Fu Master
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I love Jackie Chan and his movies. Don't be fooled by the title and the box art. This is a poorly made movie about a kid who dreams of meeting Jackie Chan. Jackie pops up once or twice in some on-the-set action scenes that are so substandard they're painful to watch. "Walker, Texas Ranger" had better fight scenes. The whole movie looks like somebody shot it with their home video camera, and Jackie volunteered to give them an hour of his time one afternoon. My kids hated it. Even fast-forwarding to the "action" didn't help this turkey. I rented it for a dollar and still felt ripped off. If you're a true Jackie fan, I just wanted to warn you. This movie is so bad it makes Jackie's rare turkeys like "The Tuxedo" seem like "Drunken Master".

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