Wolfhound (Unrated Edition) (2002) Review

Wolfhound (Unrated Edition) (2002)
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Wolfhound is about a man who returns to the Irish village he grew up in to write a book, he brings with him his wife and two children. Once the family have settled into their new home strange things seams to be happening, the other inhabitants of the village seam to all know something and strange dogs run around, our protagonist also have strange flashbacks and the movie really do try to build up a mysterious mood, unfortunately it do not exactly do a good job of it.
All in all I do not think Wolfhound was bad, there are some good characters and it is a bit different take on the whole wereanimal/shapeshifter theme. The problem with this movie however is that it is bland, the town it all takes place in are bland, the inside of the protagonist home are bland, the drama between the protagonist, his wife and the lovely weredog woman who becomes his lover are bland, to put it plainly, this movie get boring at times.
Wolfhound have allot going for it, however it moves to slowly and the filmmakers seams to forget they are working with a visual media. There are scenes which are great, but there is also so much which is just mediocre. Also I did not like the ending, I am not going to spoil things here, but it leaves so many questions unanswered.
If you have seen so many were and shapeshifter movies that anything a bit different is a piece of heaven then you might enjoy this, other than that this movie do not have allot going for it. I think it was rather okey at times so I give it three stars, but there are far to many areas where this movie is just bland.

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Item Name: Wolfhound (R-Rated Edition); Studio:New Concorde

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